東大過去問 1964年 第4問(和訳)

/ 11月 28, 2019/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問/ 0 comments



(1)Some authorities have suggested that once there was much greater diversity in American speech than now. As evidence, they point out that in Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain needed seven separate dialects to reflect the speech of various characters, even though they all came from much the same area. Clearly that would not be necessary, or even possible, today. On the other hand, it may be that thousands of regional accents exist out there and that we’re simply not as alert to them as we might be.

(2)Many thinkers dating back to Buddha and Pythagoras have advocated the simple, almost fasting diet for the contemplative existence; meat is to be avoided. But the English philosopher, Herbert Spencer, was a believer in the meat diet. Somebody informed him that his thoughts would reach greater heights were he to become a vegetarian. An ambitious man — all philosophers are amazingly ambitious — he changed his habits and began to limit himself to vegetable foods. However, his work immediately began to deteriorate, and it was not long before he was back again on beef, mutton, and pork, on which he wrote his great work.


  1. authority → 権威、権威のある人
  2. suggest → 示唆する、述べる
  3. diversity → 多様性
  4. speech → 話し言葉、方言
  5. evidence → 証拠
  6. point out → 指摘する
  7. Huckleberry Finn → マーク・トウェインの書いた小説。
  8. Mark Twain → アメリカの作家。1835~1910。『トムソーヤの冒険』の著者として有名。
  9. dialect → 方言
  10. reflect → 反映させる
  11. even though → 〜ではあるが
  12. much the same → ほぼ同じ、大同小異
  13. it may be that~ → 〜ということかもしれない
  14. regional → 地域の
  15. alert → 気を配っている、気づいている
  16. thinker → 思想家
  17. Buddha → ブッダ、釈迦
  18. Pythagoras → ピタゴラス。ピタゴラスの定理で有名だが、彼自身の発見かどうかは疑わしい。「万物は数なり」と唱えた思想家。
  19. advocate → 提唱する、支持する
  20. fasting diet → 断食
  21. contemplative → 瞑想の、熟慮の
  22. existence → 生活ぶり、暮らし
  23. Herbert Spencer → イギリスの思想家。ダーウィンの影響で適者生存を唱え、社会学や人類学など広い分野で活躍した。明治の日本に大きな影響を与えた。
  24. ambitious → 野心的な
  25. deteriorate → 悪化する
  26. it was not long before → すぐに〜した、まもなく
  27. mutton → 羊肉
  28. work → 作品、著作





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