センター本試験 2009年度 第6問 問題

/ 5月 2, 2018/ 難易度★★★, センター試験/ 0 comments

【問題】 次の英文を読み、問1~問7に関して、最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

(1) When I first entered university, my aunt, who is a professional translator, gave me a new English dictionary. I was puzzled to see that it was a monolingual dictionary, which meant that everything was in English. Although it was a dictionary intended for learners, none of my classmates had one and, to be honest, I found it extremely difficult to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and still not fully understand the meanings. I was used to the familiar bilingual dictionaries, in which the entries are in English and their equivalents are given in Japanese. I really wondered why my aunt decided to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I understand that monolingual dictionaries play a crucial role in learning a foreign language.

(2) When I started to learn English at the age of ten, I wanted to pick up as much basic vocabulary as possible and created what might be called a simple bilingual “dictionary” for myself. This consisted of English words and their equivalents in Japanese written on cards. I would put the English word on one side of a card and the Japanese equivalent on the other. I found this to be a convenient tool for memorizing basic everyday words.

(3) In high school I was assigned longer texts which had a larger vocabulary, so I started to use a standard English-Japanese bilingual dictionary. Such dictionaries contain a large number of commonly used English words. Each item comes with a pronunciation guide, its equivalents in Japanese, a note on its grammatical functions, and examples of how it is used.

(4) For those working as professional translators and interpreters, there are more specialized bilingual dictionaries. My aunt often translates articles submitted to international medical journals, so she uses a bilingual dictionary devoted to medicine. Such dictionaries, available in various fields, tend to omit words like “come” or “go” used in an everyday scene; on the other hand, they contain highly specialized terms not found in standard bilingual dictionaries. For example, in a bilingual medical dictionary, one can find a term like “basal body temperature,” which is unfamiliar to most people - an expression referring to the temperature when the body is at rest.

(5) Then, if bilingual dictionaries are so useful, why did my aunt give me a monolingual dictionary? As I found out, there is, in fact, often no perfect equivalence between words in one language and those in another. My aunt even goes so far as to claim that a Japanese “equivalent” can never give you the real meaning of a word in English! Therefore she insisted that I read the definition of word in a monolingual dictionary when I wanted to obtain a better understanding of its meaning. Gradually, I have come to see what she meant.

(6) Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has benefited me in another important way ― my passive vocabulary (words I can understand) has increasingly become an active vocabulary (words I actually use). This dictionary uses a limited number of words, around 2,000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am repeatedly exposed to basic words and how they are used to explain objects and concepts. Because of this, I can express myself more easily in English.

(7) Once I got used to the monolingual dictionary for learners, I discovered another kind of monolingual dictionary, which is particularly useful when writing essays or preparing presentations. This is what can be called a “find-the-right-word” dictionary. This kind of dictionary enables me to come up with an alternative, and sometimes more precise, expression for a word I am already familiar with. For example, if I look up “difficult,” I will find a group of related terms such as “challenging,” “tough,” “hard,” and “demanding.” A word like “important” will lead me to “significant,” “crucial,” “essential,” “influential,” and “major.”

(8) What I realize now is that both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries have particular uses, and your choice of dictionary depends on your aims. If you wish to understand the general meaning of texts in a foreign language and have no need to express your own ideas in the language, you may find a bilingual dictionary sufficient. If you work as a professional translator, you will find it necessary to use specialized bilingual dictionaries. However, if your ultimate goals are to understand a foreign language clearly and to speak or write the language using a variety of words, I strongly recommend that you obtain a monolingual dictionary once you have command of a basic vocabulary. I feel I owe the progress I have made in English to the wisdom of my aunt.

問1 When the writer received the dictionary from his aunt, he did not find it easy to use because
① entries were arranged in an unfamiliar order.
② he was not used to reading definitions in English.
③ it often did not contain the meanings he was looking for.
④ most of his friends only used bilingual dictionaries.
問2 The type of dictionary described in paragraph (3) is different from those explained in paragraphs (2) and (4) in that it
① icludes a lot of information about ordinary words and their usage.
② is more convenient for those just beginning to learn a language.
③ is too advanced for most language learners to use effectively.
④ lists highly specialized terms used by language professionals.
問3 Which of the following examples best fits the aunt’s view that “a Japanese ‘equivalent’ can never give you the real meaning of a word in English”?
① A clear stress falls on the first part of the word “water,” which is not always the case with “mizu.
② The letter “t” in “water” can be pronounced as t or d, but the “z” in “mizu” is almost always pronounced as z.
③ Unlike “water,” “mizu” can be written using different writing systems such as katakana, hiragana and Chinese characters.
④ “Water” is not the same as “mizu” because the former can refer to hot or cold water, unlike the latter.
問4 By using the type of monolingual dictionary described in paragraph (6), the writer
① became more active in explaining concepts to others.
② greatly expanded his passive English vocabulary.
③ improved his speaking and writing skills in English.
④ was able to count words in English more easily.
問5 Through using a “find-the-right-word” dictionary, one can
① come up with more precise Japanese equivalents for English words.
② find the precise meanings of words that are no longer used.
③ learn to use a variety of words with related meanings.
④ write an essay or prepare a presentation in a shorter time.
問6 When paragraphs (1) through (8) are divided into four groups according to the topic of each, which grouping is most appropriate?
① Group1 (1), Group2 (2)(3)(4)(5), Group3 (6)(7), Group4 (8)
② Group1 (1), Group2 (2)(3)(4), Group3 (5)(6)(7), Group4 (8)
③ Group1 (1)(2), Group2 (3)(4)(5), Group3 (6)(7), Group4 (8)
④ Group1 (1)(2), Group2 (3)(4), Group3 (5)(6)(7), Group4 (8)
問7 The writer implies that
① by continuing to use bilingual dictionaries, learners are less likely to achieve a good command of a language.
② learners should start to use monolingual dictionaries as soon as they begin to study English.
③ the role of bilingual dictionaries is declining and monolingual dictionaries are becoming more popular.
④ when learners look up a word in a monolingual dictionary, they should also check the word in a bilingual dictionary.





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