東大過去問 1993年 第4問(和訳) 

/ 1月 30, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments



(1)The first “telephone” in Monroe county, Missouri, was installed in 1876 by Dr.Fred M.Moss, a local physician. One end of the wire was in his home, the other end down in the drug store four blocks away. The service was very unsatisfactory. In fact, the telephone was more of a nuisance than otherwise until local people had satisfied their curiosity by making unprofessional calls.

(2)When chicks are reared together, fighting develops about the fourth week of age. When they are about ten to twelve weeks old, the weaker or less determined chicks have learned to avoid the stronger or fiercer, and all of them can be arranged in straight rank order, from the most dominant to the most submissive. But this does not imply the presence of social classes. Each individual may have superiors and subordinates, but in such a ranking system any line we draw, to divide an upper from a lower class, may be entirely arbitrary.

(3)From the late eighteenth century onwards, the progress of the Industrial Revolution signalled the end of Britain as a nation of countrymen, and perhaps helped to implant in folk memory the comforting myth of a lost world in which mankind lived in closer harmony with nature, or the fond dream of somehow returning to find one’s roots in ruralism. The greater the spread of the terrace and the factory, the office and the suburb, the more the realities of the countryside receded, until a life governed by unceasing labour and the uncertainties of the weather was transformed into a dreamland of health and happiness.









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