東大過去問 2022年 第4問B(和訳)
- 難易度★★☆☆☆(2/5)
- 東大和訳問題(第4問B)の一覧はこちら
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- スマホで表示する場合は横向きがおすすめです。
- 間違いの指摘・添削依頼・質問はコメント欄にどうぞ。
One year, as the school library supervisor, I was in an elementary school library that had begun circulating books on the first day of school. I was helping at the circulation desk. One fourth grader asked if he could have a specific book. “Of course!” I said. (ア)He didn’t think so, as his teacher had told him to check out a book with a yellow label. So, I took out my library supervisor’s business card, wrote a note to the teacher on the back of it, stuck the note in the book, and checked it out to the child.
I imagine this scenario — in which children must choose between books based on instructional priorities and those they want to read for pleasure — plays out frequently in school libraries or classrooms. (イ)There is a divide between the noble calling to teach children how to read and the equally noble calling to inspire a love of reading. We school librarians dance across this divide daily.
The motivation to read is largely self-determined, and choice is a powerful driver. People, including children, choose to do that which is fun, personally rewarding, or easy. This is where the dance begins! If learners develop and satisfy personal curiosity by reading widely and deeply in multiple formats, then we must surround our learners with opportunity and help them make connections between the school library’s resources and their interests. Finding and borrowing books (or using other kinds of tests) should be fun, accessible, and free of barriers. We need to consider how our policies, procedures, and routines inspire children and encourage their engagement with text, as well as how they guarantee all learners’ rights to intellectual freedom. (ウ)Reducing choice, whether through labeling, age-related rules, or restrictive policies, is not a strategy that makes children fall in love with books and reading. If our goal is to help learners self-identify as readers, then we must help them make connections with text through practices that celebrate the reading life.
(ア) 彼は教師から黄色のラベルのついた本を借りるように言われていたために、ラベルのついていない自分が希望していた本を借りられると思っていなかった。
(イ) 子供に読書の方法を教えるという崇高な使命と、読書への愛を喚起するという同様に崇高な使命との間には隔たりがある。
(ウ) 選択の幅を狭めることは、それがラベリングであれ、年齢制限であれ、貸出制限であれ、本と読書に夢中になるよう子供達を導くための上策とは言えない。
- supervisor → 監督者、ここでは学校の図書室をよりよいものにするために、図書室運営を指導・支援する人のこと。
- circulate → ここでは『(本を)貸し出す』(circulateの元の意味は『循環させる』。本を循環させるイメージ。)
- circulation desk → 貸出・返却デスク
- specific → 特定の
- check out → (米用法)(本を)借りる、貸す
- business card → 名刺
- note → メモ
- stuck → stick(差し込む・貼り付ける)の過去形・過去分詞形
- scenario → シナリオ、予想される事態
- instructional → 教育の
- priority → 優先事項
- books based on instructional priorities → つまり先生が読ませたいようなお堅い本、あるいは名作とされるような推薦図書のこと
- play out → 演じる
- divide → 不一致、溝、分割
- noble → 気高い、立派な
- calling → 使命感、職業、天職
- dance → 揺れる、飛び回る
- motivation → 動機、誘因、意欲
- largely → 大部分が、主に
- self-determined → 自ら決定した
- choice → 選択権、選択の幅
- driver → 原動力、誘因
- the dance → ここでは第2段落最後のWe school librarians dance across this divide daily.を受けている。
- if → ここではある事実を認めて理由を述べる用法、〜なので
- multiple → 多様な
- format → 形式、方法、(本の)判型
- surround A with B→ AをBで囲む
- opportunity → 機会、チャンス
- make connection between A and B → AとBを結びつける
- resource → 資源、資料、ここでは図書室の蔵書のこと。
- using other kinds of texts → ここでは新聞・雑誌・インターネット上の文章などに触れることを想定していると思われる
- accessible → (簡単に)入手できる、利用できる
- policy → 方針、方策
- procedure → 手順、手続き
- routine → いつもしている仕事、日課、所定の手順
- encourage → 奨励する、促進する
- engagement with A → Aとの関わり、ふれあい
- guarantee → 保証する
- restrictive policy → ここでは図書館の貸出制限のこと
- self-identify → アイデンティティを自分で確立すること
- practice → 実践、行い、業務
- celebrate → 祝う、褒め称える
難易度★★(ア)He didn’t think so, as his teacher had told him to check out a book with a yellow label.
難易度★★(イ)There is a divide between the noble calling to teach children how to read and the equally noble calling to inspire a love of reading.
難易度★★(ウ)Reducing choice, whether through labeling, age-related rules, or restrictive policies, is not a strategy that makes children fall in love with books and reading.
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