東大過去問 1988年 第5問(総合)

/ 3月 17, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments



Two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Florida resort town — one trying hard to read a book while the other, Harold K. Bullard, told him the story of his life as a successful businessman in many fields. At their feet lay Bullard’s dog, who further tormented the listener by sniffing at his ankles with a large, wet nose.
Bullard enjoyed reviewing his important past. But he faced the problem that complicated the lives of cannibals* — namely: that a ( A ) victim cannot be used over and over. Anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again. So they set out each day in quest of new faces. They had had good luck this morning, for they had found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida and with nothing better to do than ( B ).
“Yes,” said Bullard, rounding out the first hour of his lecture, “made and lost five fortunes in my time.”
“So you said,” said the stranger, whose name Bullard had neglected to ask. “Easy, boy. No, no, no, boy,” he said to the dog, who was growing more aggressive toward his ankles.
“Oh? Already ( C ) you that, did I?” said Bullard.
“Yes, I guess I did. ( D ) in real estate, one in scrap iron, and one in oil and one in trucking. (E)I wouldn’t take back a day of it.
“No, I suppose not,” said the stranger. “Pardon me, but do you suppose you could move your dog somewhere else? He is driving me crazy, sniffing at my ankles.”
“Plastic,” said Bullard, chuckling.
“Plastic. Must be something plastic on your garters. Buttons, maybe. That dog is crazy about plastic. Don’t know why that is, but he’ll sniff it out and chew it up if there’s a speck of plastic around. (F)That’s the business I’d go into now, by god, if the doctors hadn’t told me to take it easy. Because of my heart, you know.”
“You could tie the dog to that tree over there,” said the stranger.
“I get so sore at all the youngsters these days!” said Bullard. “All of them complaining about no frontiers any more. (G)There never have been so many frontiers as there are today. You know what Horace Greeley** would say today?”
“His nose is wet,” said the stranger as he tried to pull his ankles away. “Stop it, boy!”
“His wet nose shows he’s healthy,” said Bullard. “‘Go plastic, young man!’ That’s what Greeley’d say. ‘Go atom, go electric, young man!'”
The dog had definitely (H)located the plastic buttons on the stranger’s garters and was trying hard to bring his teeth to bear on those (I)delicacies.
“Stop it!” said the stranger.
“Don’t talk to me about no opportunity any more,” said Bullard. “Opportunity’s knocking at every ( J ) in the country, trying to get in. When I was young —“
“Sorry,” said the stranger, evenly. He slammed his book shut, stood and jerked his ankle away from the dog. “I’ve go to be on my ( K ). So good day, sir.”
(注) *cannibal — a person who eats the flesh of other human beings
**Horace Greeley — American journalist and political leader (1811〜1872), noted for his words, ‘Go west, young man!”



(A) 空所(A)を補うのにもっとも適当な1語を次の語群から選び、その記号を記せ。

(ア) clever
(イ) delicious
(ウ) living
(エ) single
(オ) suspicious

(B) 空所(B)に補うべき1語を記せ。

(C) 空所(C)に補うべき過去形の動詞1語を記せ。

(D) 空所(D)に補うべき1語を記せ。

(E) 下線部(E)の文は仮定の表現になっているが、この前に次のような節を補おうとするとき、空所(ア)、(イ)にそれぞれ補うべき1語を記せ。

If I were to (ア) my (イ) again,

(F) 下線部(F)Thatの指すものは何か。本文中の1語で答えよ。

(G) 下線部(G)の文でBullardがfrontierという語で意味しているのとほぼ同じ意味の1語を本文中から探して記せ。

(H) 下線部(H)のlocatedと置き換えてもほぼ同じ意味になる語句を次の中から選び、その記号を記せ。

(ア) laid down
(イ) looked up
(ウ) recognized
(エ) searched
(オ) spotted

(I) 下線部(I)で使われているdelicacyの意味としてもっとも適当なものを次の中から選べ。

(ア) something that shows fine or subtle quality
(イ) something with fragile, soft or graceful beauty
(ウ) someting that is consicered to be very delicious
(エ) something that requires tactful or sensitive handling
(オ) something done with refinement of feeling or appreciation

(J)、(K)  空所(J)(K)にそれぞれ補うべき1語を記せ。






(A)  ウ
(B)  read
(C)  told
(D)  Two
(E)  live life
(F)  plastic
(G)  opportunity
(H)  オ
(I)  ウ
(J)  door
(K)  way


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