京大過去問 2012年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 3月 4, 2022/ 英文和訳, 分詞, 京大過去問, 難易度★★, 難易度★★★, 難易度★★★★, 関係詞が多い, 非制限用法, 単語・熟語が難しい, 否定, 構造が見えにくい, 代名詞の指すもの, 倒置, andの並べるもの/ 0 comments

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During his failed attempt to reach the North Pole on foot in the spring of 1895, Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen encountered several sets of fox footprints on the ice north of the 85th parallel, several hundred kilometers from the nearest dry land. “What in the world was that fox doing up here?” he wrote in his journal. “It is incomprehensible what these animals live on up here, but presumably they are able to snap up some small crabs in the open waterways. But why do they leave the coast? That is what puzzles me most. Can they have gone astray?”
Early attempts to solve some of these riddles only added to the mystery. During the 1970s a research team spent several years trying to track the winter movements of Arctic foxes in northern Alaska. (1)The animals were fitted with numbered ear tags, released, and their whereabouts were then recorded. Although next to nothing was revealed about how they got to various places, due to limitations of the techniques being employed, deep into the high Arctic, more than 2000 kilometers away, is where some were recovered. In a valiant effort to learn more, the team decided to try out radio telemetry, the technology that had revolutionized wildlife tracking in the early 1960s. (2)The target may be followed to wherever it goes via a radio collar that is fitted to the animal being investigated, which transmits a signal that researchers on foot or in a plane can detect with precision. “We learned absolutely nothing,” says one of the researchers. “The place is simply too big and the foxes are too mobile. We would catch one and put a collar on it and then we would never hear the signal again. They just disappeared — gone outside the ability of the plane to keep track of them.”
The thought of an Arctic fox wandering around for months on end, under such harsh conditions, continues to raise many questions. (3)Is there some preordained pattern that the animals follow or are the journeys random? If not the latter, how do they navigate in an icescape that offers no permanent landmarks, that drifts and spins at the mercy of the currents, melts and freezes according to the weather, and seemingly has not much to offer in the way of a scent trail to follow for satisfying their appetites?
Even the advent of satellite-based tracking in the early 1990s did not provide an immediate answer. The first collars, which required large batteries, were far too heavy for Arctic foxes. (4)But now, at last, the technology has caught up, in the form of light, battery-powered devices tailored for the Arctic fox, including one equipped with an antenna laced with red pepper to discourage animals from gnawing it off. Last year, a Canadian team published results of a satellite-tracking study of the Bylot Island foxes. The findings provide more evidence that Arctic foxes regularly travel enormous distances. Although it is too early to say for sure, it is possible that foxes decide to go onto the ice based partly on how much food is available on land in the autumn.
From Forget hibernating, migrating or holing up — Arctic foxes take winter on the chin, New Scientist




(1) 狐達は番号のふられたタグを耳に付けて解放され、その後居場所が記録された。使用された技術の限界のせいで、どのように狐達が様々な場所に到達したのかはほとんど何も解明されなかったが、2000キロも離れた高緯度北極の深部で、幾つかのタグが回収された。
(2) 調査対象となる動物に無線機付き首輪を取り付けるのだが、その首輪から発信される信号を、徒歩あるいは飛行機上の研究者が正確に検知することで、動物がどこに向ったとしても捕捉することができると考えたのである。
(3) 動物達が辿る決まった道筋があるのだろうか、それとも旅は行き当たりばったりなのだろうか。もし後者でないというならば、恒久的な目印などなく、海流のなすがままに漂流・回転し、天候によって溶けては凍りつき、食欲を満たすために辿るべき臭いの痕跡に関しても一見ほとんどなさそうに思える氷に閉ざされた世界において、キツネ達はどうやって進路を決定しているのだろう。
(4) しかし今やっと、ホッキョクギツネに合わせて作られたバッテリー付きの軽い装置という形で、技術が追い付いてきた。この装置には、動物が噛みちぎることを防ぐために、唐辛子が加えられたアンテナを備えたものもある。


  • Fridtjof Nansen → ノルウェーの学者、探検家、政治家。ノーベル平和賞を受賞している。
  • parallel → 緯線
  • dry land → (ここでは北極の氷上に対して)陸地
  • incomprehensible → 理解できない
  • live on A → Aを食べて生きる、Aで生計を立てる
  • presumably → おそらく
  • snap up → 飛びつく、素早く取る
  • waterway → 水路、運河、航路。ここでは北極の氷の切れ目のこと。
  • riddle → なぞなぞ、謎
  • add to A → Aを強める
  • numbered → 番号がふられた、数字が書かれた
  • tag → 札、タグ
  • numbered ear tag → 個体識別番号の書かれた耳標
  • whereabouts → 居場所
  • next to nothing → ないに等しい
  • high Arctic → 高緯度北極の
  • recover → (耳標を)回収する
  • valiant → 勇敢な
  • telemetry → 遠隔測定法
  • wildlife → 野生生物
  • via → 〜を通して
  • radio → 無線、ラジオ
  • collar → 首輪、えり
  • on foot → 徒歩の、徒歩で
  • with precision → 正確に
  • absolutely → まったく、完全に
  • mobile → 動き回る、機動力のある
  • keep track of A → Aの経過を追う
  • on end → 引き続いて、ぶっ続けで
  • harsh → 過酷な
  • raise questions → 疑問を投げ掛ける、疑問視される
  • preordain → 運命を定める、予定する
  • random → 行き当たりばったりの、無作為の
  • latter → 後者
  • icescape → ice氷+scape景色
  • navigate → 進路を見つける、通り抜ける
  • landmark → 景色の中で目印になるようなもの、ランドマーク
  • drift → 漂流する、ふらふらする
  • at the mercy of A → Aのなすがままになって
  • seemingly → 見た所、外見上は
  • in the way of A → (否定的文脈で)Aというものに関して
  • scent trail → 臭いの痕跡
  • advent → 出現、到来
  • battery → 電池、バッテリー
  • catch up → 追いつく
  • in the form of A → Aという形で
  • tailor → (目的・要求などに)合わせる、あつらえる
  • discourage A from B → AにBを思いとどまらせる
  • gnaw off → 噛みちぎる、噛んで取り外す
  • Bylot Island → バイロト島(カナダ北部の無人島)
  • enormous → 非常に大きい、(程度が)途方もない
  • available → 入手可能な


難易度★★★(1) The animals were fitted with numbered ear tags, released, and their whereabouts were then recorded. Although next to nothing was revealed about how they got to various places, due to limitations of the techniques being employed, deep into the high Arctic, more than 2000 kilometers away, is where some were recovered.



難易度★★★(2) The target may be followed to wherever it goes via a radio collar that is fitted to the animal being investigated, which transmits a signal that researchers on foot or in a plane can detect with precision.



難易度★★★★(3) Is there some preordained pattern that the animals follow or are the journeys random? If not the latter, how do they navigate in an icescape that offers no permanent landmarks, that drifts and spins at the mercy of the currents, melts and freezes according to the weather, and seemingly has not much to offer in the way of a scent trail to follow for satisfying their appetites?



難易度★★(4) But now, at last, the technology has caught up, in the form of light, battery-powered devices tailored for the Arctic fox, including one equipped with an antenna laced with red pepper to discourage animals from gnawing it off.


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