京大過去問 2011年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 3月 13, 2021/ it-to構文, 英文和訳, 仮定法, 京大過去問, 難易度★★, 難易度★★★, 構造が見えにくい, that, 並列, 同格, コロンとセミコロン, andの並べるもの/ 3 comments

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The word ’history’ has two senses: what happened in the past, and what we say in the present about what happened in the past. In the first sense, history as past events is imagined as a country stretched out ‘behind’ us which we could visit if only we had a time-travel machine. History as the surmises, interpretations and narratives constructed today is base on what those past events left for us — it survives in the form of documents, letters, diaries, ruins unearthed by the archaeologist, artefacts known or judged to be old. These are the residue of what has otherwise gone; historians study and arrange them, like pieces of an incomplete jigsaw puzzle, in order to fashion a coherent story. History, in the sense of past time, is accessible only through history in the sense of today’s incomplete jigsaw puzzle; we can get at it in no other way.
Among the indispensable resources of the historian are contemporary accounts of past events written by witnesses. Of course these accounts have to be approached with scepticism; the historian must remember the human inclination to dramatize, enlarge a share or minimise a responsibility, write with bias, distort the facts whether deliberately or unconsciously, ‘spin’ the events or tell outright lies. (1)Even so, first-hand reports are valuable and important. Without diaries and reports, memoirs, newspapers and other contemporary records, historians would have a very hard if not impossible time. This was what Thomas Carlyle had in mind when he defined history as ‘a kind of distilled newspapers’, though of course he thereby ignores the task of checking and interpretation that the historian uses to turn those records into an organised whole. Moreover a great deal of the raw material used by historians consists of other less interesting factual records, such as lists of names, account books, legal documents, and the like: a far cry from, say, diary entries and personal letters, reportage and memoir.
It is these latter accounts, though, that give the freshest and most vivid impression of the past, however much spin and bias they contain. The documentary raw material of history has the immediacy of presence, the directness that characterises communication from someone who was there and felt and saw the things reported. Any policeman will tell you that four witnesses at the scene of an accident will give four different stories of what happened; so we must accept that every contemporary account is one person’s account, filtered through subjectivity and the often unreliable channel of memory. (2)Nevertheless it is impossible not to be gripped, absorbed and often moved by letters, diaries and court records. It is quite different experience from reading novelised versions of the events, and even historical accounts of them. The consciousness that the writer was there makes a big difference. If, as you read, you recall the cynical view of Santayana that ‘history is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there’, you might not be able to resist a smile. (3)He meant today’s historians writing about the past; but the same applies to the creators of their resources. Some letters and diaries might indeed be a pack of lies, and their authors might not really have been where they claimed to have been — but it is reasonable to suppose that most are the authors’ version of the truth. And the fact that they were written close to the described events makes them compelling.
A.C.Grayling, 2010, Thinking of Answers




  • if only → ~さえすれば
  • surmise → 推量、推測
  • narrative → (口頭・文字による)物語
  • document → 文書、書類
  • artifact → (歴史的価値のある)人工物
  • residue → (かたく)残余
  • otherwise → もしそうでなければ、さもなければ
  • fashion → 形作る
  • coherent → 首尾一貫した、筋の通った
  • accessible → 手が届く、手に入る、利用可能になる
  • get at A → Aに手が届く、手に入る
  • contemporary → 同時代の(ここでは『現代の』という意味ではない)
  • scepticism → (=skepticism)懐疑的態度
  • inclination → 傾向、好み
  • dramatize → ドラマ化する、脚色する、大袈裟にする
  • enlarge → 拡大する、誇張する
  • share → 貢献、役割
  • distort → 歪める
  • spin → (だまそうとして・話を)作り上げる
  • outright → 完全な、はっきりした
  • first-hand → 直接体験した、じかの
  • memoirs → 自叙伝、回顧録
  • if not~ → 〜ではないにしても
  • have hard time → 苦戦する、困難な状況になる
  • distill → 蒸留する、抽出する、抜粋する
  • thereby → それによって
  • organised whole → 組織化された全体
  • turn A into B → AをBに変える
  • raw → 加工されていない、生の、未処理の
  • consist of A → Aから成り立っている
  • be a far cry from A → Aとはかけ離れている
  • entry → 記入事項
  • reportage → ルポタージュ、現地報告、報道
  • latter → 後者の、後者
  • documentary → (映画・新聞などの)記録作品の
  • immediacy → 緊急性、直接性
  • presence → ここではその場に居合わせたということ
  • characterise → 特徴付ける
  • A characterise B → AがBを特徴付ける、AはBの特徴である
  • subjectivity → 主観
  • channel → 経路、手段
  • grip → 強く引きつける
  • absorb → 夢中にさせる
  • make difference → 違いを生む、重要である
  • Santayana → サンタヤナ。スペイン出身の哲学者。
  • cynical → 冷笑的な、皮肉な
  • a pack of A → 大量のA、一包のA
  • mean → 〜を指して言う、〜について言う
  • reasonable → 理にかなっている、無理がない
  • version → (特定の立場からの)見解、解釈、説明
  • compelling → 有無を言わせない、注目せずにはいられない




難易度★★★Even so, first-hand reports are valuable and important. Without diaries and reports, memoirs, newspapers and other contemporary records, historians would have a very hard if not impossible time.


難易度★★Nevertheless it is impossible not to be gripped, absorbed and often moved by letters, diaries and court records. It is quite different experience from reading novelised versions of the events, and even historical accounts of them. The consciousness that the writer was there makes a big difference.


難易度★★★He meant today’s historians writing about the past; but the same applies to the creators of their resources. Some letters and diaries might indeed be a pack of lies, and their authors might not really have been where they claimed to have been — but it is reasonable to suppose that most are the authors’ version of the truth.



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  1. (1)そうはいっても、直接の体験による報告には価値があり、重要である。日記・報告書・自叙伝・新聞、あるいはその他の現代的な記録といったものがなければ、歴史家の仕事は、不可能ではないとしても、極めて厳しい状況に追い込まれるだろう。

    1. kkさん、いつもご指摘ありがとうございます。


  2. 細かくて済みません。「surmise → 推量する、推測する」に関して、本文中では名詞で使われているので、「推量、推測」の訳の方が良いのでは。

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