テーマ別和訳 【andの並べるもの】

/ 5月 25, 2018/ 東大過去問, テーマ別和訳, センター試験, 医学部, andの並べるもの/ 0 comments


  They live a quiet and simple life.

【解答】 They live a ①quiet 〚and〛simple life.


  I love her, but she hates me.

  This train is goint to stop at Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Ikebukuro.

  Would you like, tea or coffee?

  I love her, not because she’s beautiful but because she’s honest.


  Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors. He was healthy and strong, but he had very little formal education.(明大中野高校 2008-7)

  At the school, he learned to read and write and also began to play sports.(明大中野高校 2008-7)

  Suddenly and quite unexpectedly there came screams and shrieks and sobbing from inside the room.(センター追試 1995-6)

  My son and I were trying to sell the house we had restored but in the barn attached to it there were bats and they wouldn’t leave.(センター本試 1995-6)

  We understand the young have different needs and experience the world differently from adults.(センター本試 2010-6)

  A scientist suggests that the concept of childhood itself did not exist in the Middle Ages. (中略) How did modern perceptions of childhood and youth develop? One important factor was the growth of trade and the rise of merchant cities, as happened in Renaissance Italy.(センター試験 2010-6)

  The development of new technologies in the twentieth century meant a need for greater skills and rapid growth of secondary and higher education​.(センター本試験 2010-6)

  Watson is already capable of storing far more medical information than doctors, and unlike humans, its decisions are all evidence-based and free of cognitive biases and overconfidence.(福島県立医大 2017-1)
★★★★★以下の英文は、両親の虐待により保護施設で生活していた筆者が、Dorisから手紙を受け取り、彼女の下で暮らすよう誘われる場面である。Dorisとはノーベル文学賞受賞者のDoris May Lessingである。例題にならい、以下の英文のand/but/orを四角で囲み、それが並列しているものに下線を引き、番号を付けよ。また全文を和訳せよ。

  Doris said in her letter to me that she had just moved into her first house, that it had central heating (she was particularly proud of that) and a spare room, so I might like to stay there, and perhaps, in spite of my father’s reluctance, go back to school to get my exams and go to university.(東大 2017-5)

  Poverty exists as a parallel, but separate, reality. City planners work very hard to keep it outside our field of vision.(東大 2016-5)

  Couples sit next to each other in the cafés, watching the street. There are rows of them assembled as though in fashion photographs from Vogue or like a stylish display of mannequins. Everyone smokes. They know what awaits them ― horrible deaths, wild parties, in no particular order​.(東大 2014-5)
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