東大過去問 1989年 第5問(総合)
One evening at home somebody asked to hear a little banjo music. Uncle allen was especially persistent. I argued that it was too soon for a public performance, but (A)my mother refused to listen. There was no getting out of it. I sat on a kitchen chair and began stabbing the banjo pick at the strings. Now and then I hit one.
When the performance was over, Aunt Pat, speaking very softly, murmured, “Sweet mother of God!” Uncle Allen didn’t say anything, but his mouth was firmly locked in the shut position to keep him (B) bursting into laughter. My mother didn’t say anything either. For a long while she seemed to be thinking. Then she said, “Buddy, don’t feel bad.
(c)There’s more to life than playing the banjo.“
But what?
At this time I had decided the only thing I was fit (D) was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be suited to real work, and that writing didn’t require any. My mother didn’t try to discourage me, though writing was not a career just then that many ambitious parents encouraged their children to plan for.
“(E)Writing runs in the family,” she said. And it seemed to. Her mother had written poetry in the manner of Tennyson*. One of her uncles had written for the Baltimore American*; with a little more luck Uncle Charlie might have had a carrer on the Brooklyn Eagle*; and Cousin Edwin was proof that writing, when done for newspapers, could make a man as rich as Midas*.
“(F)Look where Edwin James is today. If Edwin could do it, you can do it.” I heard those words again and again while we toiled together over seventh-grade English homework. She pounced like a tigress if she spotted an error in spelling or grammar, and she spotted many. I was not a sparkling writer. Once, assigned to write a composition about farm produce, I chose to write about wheat. My mother examined the finished product in despair.
“You can do better than this, Buddy,” she said.
(注) | Tennyson イギリスの詩人 |
Baltimore American、Brooklyn Eagle アメリカの新聞 | |
Midas ギリシャ神話に登場する王 |
(A) 下線部(A)は母親のどのような気持ちの表明と考えるのが適当か。次のうちから1つ選び、その記号を記せ。
(ア) バンジョー音楽はどうしても自分の好みに合わない。
(イ) 演奏会がどんなに間近でも、下手な練習は聞きたくない。
(ウ) 演奏を一度でも聞けば、自分もそこから抜けられなくなる。
(エ) だれが何と言おうと、自分の息子の言うことを聞いたら癖になる。
(オ) 当人が何と言おうと、息子の演奏はどうしても聞いてみたい。
(B) 空所(B)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語は何か。その1語を書け。
(C) 下線部(C)で母親が言おうとしたことは、次のうちどれにもっとも近いか。その記号を記せ。
(ア) バンジョー弾きの世間知らずは困りますよ。
(イ) バンジョーを弾くばかりが人生ではありませんよ。
(ウ) バンジョーばかり弾いていては時代に遅れますよ。
(エ) 世間にバンジョー弾きはあなただけではありません。
(オ) バンジョーには、弾いて表わせる以上の生命があります。
(D) 空所(D)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語は何か。その1語を書け。
(E) 下線部(E)を日本語に直せ。
(F) 下線部(F)を言うとき、母親はどんな事実を念頭においていたと考えるのがもっとも適当か。次のうちから1つ選び、その記号を記せ。
(ア) He teaches English at Buddy’s school.
(イ) He is at his newspaper office as usual.
(ウ) He is on the roof repairing the chimney.
(エ) He is a successful journalist as everybody knows.
(オ) He has gone to Baltimore to live with his mother.
(G) この話全体の内容と矛盾しないように次の3つの英文の空所(a)〜(e)を埋めるには、下にあげたどの語または語句がもっとも適当か。それぞれ指定された語群のなかから1つずつ選び、その記号を記せ。
(1) Looking back on my boyhood it seems I was always cutting a ( a ) figure in my family.
(2) I thought writing had ( b ) to do with real work, and that was why I ( c ) on the course Cousin Edwin had taken.
(3) My mother was ( d ) for me to get ahead in life, but everything I did ( e ) of her expectations.
(a) | (ア)fine | (イ)literary | (ウ)musical | (エ)naughty | (オ)poor |
(b) | (ア)better | (イ)little | (ウ)much | (エ)only | (オ)something |
(c) | (ア)cast doubt | (イ)looked down | (ウ)lost hold | (エ)set out | (オ)turned my back |
(d) | (ア)afraid | (イ)anxious | (ウ)concerned | (エ)delighted | (オ)uncertain |
(e) | (ア)came out | (イ)deserved well | (ウ)fell short | (エ)kept ahead | (オ)proved doubtful |
(A) | オ |
(B) | from |
(C) | イ |
(D) | for |
(E) | うちの家系には作家の血が流れているのよ |
(F) | エ |
(G) | (a) オ (b) イ (c) エ (d) イ (e) ウ |
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