京大過去問 2007年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 2月 8, 2021/ 英文和訳, 仮定法, not only but also, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★, 第5文型, 二重否定, 否定, 倒置, 否定による倒置/ 1 comments

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In the long career of teaching science at the college level, I have come to learn a lot of things myself. The most significant of the lessons is concerned with the very basic of education. At some point in each teaching unit, I try to remind myself to ask the big questions. “Why should we care about this? Why is this topic important?” (1)This may very well be my way of avoiding that embarrassing student query, “Why do we have to know this?” All the same, it remains a good question, whether posed by the teacher or the student. In this age, no sensible person ought to do without asking what is indispensable to learn. It is a very tough question with no single correct answer. In this difficult situation, a useful approach might be suggested — that is, to look for teaching materials that connect science with technology and society. Such an approach begins with the question, “Why is this important?” And then a simple answer can be given: because it has vital implications for human culture and the planet’s future.
Consider the relationship between technology and science, which I fear is often misconceive. (2)While many take the former merely for a product of the latter, the reverse is no less true. Throughout the history of science, new technologies are known to have made possible eye-opening discoveries. Without the aid of sophisticated optical instrument, the earth-centered view of the universe would not have been disproved, nor could the cell have been established as the basis of life. In our century, using advanced technological tools, brain researchers are producing important new knowledge about how learning occurs with significant implications for teaching.
It has become commonplace to observe the importance of technology in shaping the modern world. Computers, mobile phones, and e-mail have all transformed our world. Even physical looks of classrooms themselves are undergoing considerable change, with more and more schools incorporating computers and other equipments into those rooms. In these circumstances, connecting our science teaching to everyday experiences of our students can make our classes more engaging and relevant.
(3)Important as the interaction of science and technology is, the most essential part of the proposed approach could be its third aspect, the connection of these two with society. From global temperature change to technology applied at the atomic level, rarely does a day go by without some findings being announced that carry the potential to have a significant impact on mankind. The ethical choices faced today are not just more difficult than in the past, but many of them are brand-new decisions created by the revolutionary ideas and groundbreaking innovations. Our science classes should give students the skills needed to address the difficult issues that come with scientific knowledge. When interconnections among science, technology, and society are made part of science teaching, we empower students with skills that turn them into active, responsible, and thoughtful human beings. We also allow them to discover answers to the question, “Why do we have to know this?”
From Why Is This Important? By Steve Metz, The Science Teacher




  • lesson → 学んだこと、教訓
  • be concerned with~ → 〜と関係がある
  • teaching unit → ここでは大学の1学期分の講義のこと
  • remind myself to do → 忘れずに〜する
  • may well do → おそらく〜だろう
  • embarrassing → 不愉快に感じさせるような、困惑させるような
  • query → 質問、疑問
  • all the same → にもかかわらず(=nevertheless)
  • pose → (慎重に考慮すべき疑問などを)提示する
  • sensible → 賢明である、思慮深い
  • do without A → Aなしで済ませる
  • indispensable → 欠くことのできない、絶対必要な
  • that is → つまり
  • implication → 影響、含意
  • former → 前者
  • latter → 後者
  • no less ~ (than …) → …に劣らず〜
  • sophisticated → 洗練された、高性能の
  • optical → 光学の
  • establish → 認めさせる、確立する
  • our century → ここでは文脈から20世紀のこと
  • observe → 述べる
  • physical → 物理的な
  • undergo → 経験する
  • considerable → かなりの
  • incorporate → 取り入れる
  • engaging → 魅力的な
  • relevant → 適切な、実際的な価値のある
  • interaction → 相互作用、影響を与え合うこと
  • aspect → 側面、観点
  • apply → 適用する、応用する
  • global temperature change → 地球規模での気温の変化、ここでは地球温暖化のこと
  • rarely → ほとんど〜ない
  • go by → (時間が)経過する
  • revolutionary → 革命的な、画期的な
  • groundbreaking → 革新的な
  • innovation → 新しいアイデア、新手法、発明
  • brand-new → 真新しい、できたての
  • address → 取り組む
  • interconnection → 相互連結


難易度★★★This may very well be my way of avoiding that embarrassing student query, “Why do we have to know this?” All the same, it remains a good question, whether posed by the teacher or the student. In this age, no sensible person ought to do without asking what is indispensable to learn.


難易度★★★While many take the former merely for a product of the latter, the reverse is no less true. Throughout the history of science, new technologies are known to have made possible eye-opening discoveries. Without the aid of sophisticated optical instrument, the earth-centered view of the universe would not have been disproved, nor could the cell have been established as the basis of life.


難易度★★★Important as the interaction of science and technology is, the most essential part of the proposed approach could be its third aspect, the connection of these two with society. From global temperature change to technology applied at the atomic level, rarely does a day go by without some findings being announced that carry the potential to have a significant impact on mankind. The ethical choices faced today are not just more difficult than in the past, but many of them are brand-new decisions created by the revolutionary ideas and groundbreaking innovations.



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1 Comment

  1. which I fear is often misconceiveは、which I fear is often misconceivedではないでしょうか。

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