京大過去問 1982年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 6月 21, 2020/ the same A with B, 英文和訳, 京大過去問, the more/ 0 comments

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Nowadays we speak quite easily and naturally of the crisis through which our civilization is passing. Without questioning the assumption that we are in the midst of a crisis, I should like to ask whether this feeling of crisis is not something inseparable from human life in any historical period. The more closely we examine the past, the more we find that it, too, is uneasy with its own sense of historical crisis and urgency. Sometimes, in retrospect, these crises look illusory, for mankind has survived some of its worst apprehensions; and then we have to remind ourselves that these men and women of the past felt their crisis with the same intimate uneasiness with which we feel ours.


  • nowadays → この頃、最近(these daysよりもかたい表現)
  • civilization → 文明
  • without questioning~ → 〜はさておき、~に疑問を投げかけるのはおいておくとして
  • assumption → 仮定、推定(根拠のないものについて言う)
  • midst → 真ん中
  • should like to → would like toと同じだが古くあまり使用されない表現
  • inseparable → 不可分の
  • historical period → 歴史上の期間、時代
  • closely → 細部まで、注意して
  • uneasy → 不安な
  • urgency → 緊急性、切迫
  • in retrospect → 振り返ってみると、後から見れば
  • illusory → (形容詞)錯覚の、架空の
  • mankind → 人類(性差別回避の観点から現在ではhumanity, mankindなどが用いられる)
  • apprehension → 懸念、心配
  • intimate → 心の奥底からの、親密な
  • the same A with B → Bと同じA


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