明大中野高校 2009年度 第5問 単語

/ 5月 4, 2018/ 難易度★, 高校入試レベル, 単語/ 0 comments





【問題】 下線部の単語について、文中での意味を答えなさい。動詞の形が変化しているものは元の形の意味を答えること。

Young men often give flowers to young women when they (1)are in love. This (2)tradition may have come from (3)Turkey.
In the 1700s in Turkey, it was (4)quite popular for people in love to send each other (5)baskets (6)full of (7)strange things. The baskets were (8)delivered (9)secretly to the person who was (10)receiving it. Usually, an old woman who sold flowers or fruit on the street left the basket (11)beside the person’s door.
These baskets (12)included (13)a variety of “gifts”; flowers, stones, (14)feathers, (15)wax and even (16)charcoal. (17)Each thing in the basket had a special meaning. By (18)figuring out the secret message in each item, the person who received the basket began to understand (19)little by little the true (20)feelings of the person who sent it.
This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings (21)quickly (22)spread to (23)Germany, France, and England. However, only sending flowers (24)continued to be popular.
(25)A bunch of flowers told young ladies about the feelings in the hearts of young men. Each different flower (26)held a different meaning. For example, the flowers from an orange tree (27)meant, “You are beautiful and pure.” Pink carnations meant, “My love for you is strong and great.” Yellow roses, (28)on the other hand, meant, “I saw you with (29)someone else.”
Many flower (30)dictionaries were made to help young people in love to understand the meaning of the flowers they received. However, not all of the dictionaries (31)agreed on the meaning of each flower, so a person had to be careful about the flowers they (32)chose to send.
By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages had (33)fallen out of fashion, and the more (34)direct way of sending love letters began. Today, we still think that flowers are a (35)lovely gift, but each flower has lost its original secret meaning.







  1. be in love 〔熟語〕恋をしている
  2. tradition 〔名詞〕伝統
  3. Turkey 〔名詞〕トルコ
  4. quite 〔副詞〕かなり
  5. basket 〔名詞〕かご
  6. full of~★ 〔熟語〕~でいっぱいの
  7. strange 〔形容詞〕奇妙な
  8. deliver 〔動詞〕配達する、届ける
  9. secretly 〔副詞〕こっそりと、内密に
  10. receive 〔動詞〕受け取る
  11. beside~ 〔前置詞〕~のそば(「besides:~に加えて」とは別単語なので注意!)
  12. include 〔動詞〕含む/li>
  13. a variety of~★ 〔熟語〕様々な~
  14. feather 〔名詞〕羽、羽毛
  15. wax 〔名詞〕ろう、ワックス
  16. charcoal 〔名詞〕炭、木炭
  17. each 〔形容詞〕それぞれの
  18. figure out▲ 〔熟語〕読み取る
  19. little by little 〔熟語〕少しずつ
  20. feeling 〔名詞〕感情
  21. quickly 〔副詞〕すぐに
  22. spread 〔動詞〕広まる
  23. Germany 〔名詞〕ドイツ
  24. continue to do 〔動詞〕~することを続ける
  25. a bunch of▲ 〔熟語〕一束の
  26. hold 〔動詞〕持つ
  27. mean 〔動詞〕意味する(活用はmean-meant-meant)
  28. on the other hand★ 〔熟語〕一方で
  29. someone else 〔熟語〕別の誰か
  30. dictionary 〔名詞〕辞書
  31. agree 〔動詞〕同意する、意見が一致する
  32. choose 〔動詞〕選ぶ(活用はchoose-chose-chosen)
  33. fall out of fashion▲ 〔熟語〕時代遅れになる
  34. direct 〔形容詞〕直接的な(多義語注意!)
  35. lovely 〔形容詞〕魅力的な、すばらしい(lyが付いているが形容詞であることに注意!)




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