東大過去問 2021年 第4問(和訳)
We do not tell others everything we think. At least, this applies to most people in (perhaps) a majority of social situations. A scholar even concludes that “we lie — therefore we think.” Perhaps, one would also want to reverse this saying (“we think, therefore we sometimes lie”). In any case, there is a constant struggle between revealing and hiding, between disclosure and non-disclosure in communication. We are more or less skilled in suppressing the impulses to express all kinds of responses. (ア)If we were to make everything we think public by saying it aloud, it would sometimes be quite embarrassing, or face-threatening, not only for the speaker, but for both (or all) parties. Another researcher points out that narration in social contexts often involves circumstances that promote non-disclosure such as silent resistance and secret alliances. (イ)Accordingly, some things get said, others not.
One may argue that we need a dialogical theory of inner dialogue to account for the struggle between disclosure and non-disclosure. Surely, ecological psychologist Edward Reed suggests that “one could argue that (ウ)the primary function of language is for concealing thoughts, diverting others’ attention from knowing what one is thinking.” *Monological theories of communication, with their conception of external dialogue as a mechanical transfer of messages produced by the individual, do not seem to be capable of developing the point.
*注 monological theory 聞き手を前提としないmonologue(個人発話)に基づく理論
- in a social situations → 社会生活の場面で
- scholar → 学者
- reverse → 逆にする
- face-threatening → 面子を潰すような
- If S were to do, S would ~ → いわゆる仮定法未来。『仮に〜ならば』『万が一〜ならば』と、強い仮想を表す。
- aloud → 声に出して
- embarrassing → 気まずい、恥ずかしい、不愉快な、困惑させるような
- face-threatening → 面子を潰されるような
- quite → 比較的、かなり、非常に
- accordingly → したがって
- dialogical → 対話形式の
- inner dialogue → 内面の対話、自分との対話
- surely → 確かに
- primary → 最も重要な
- conceal → 隠す
- divert → (注意・関心を)そらす
- ecological psychology → 生態心理学
- conception → 考え、理解、着想
- external → 外部の、対外的な
難易度★★If we were to make everything we think public by saying it aloud, it would sometimes be quite embarrassing, or face-threatening, not only for the speaker, but for both (or all) parties.
難易度★Accordingly, some things get said, others not.
難易度★★the primary function of language is for concealing thoughts, diverting others’ attention from knowing what one is thinking.
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