東大過去問 2014年 第5問(総合)

/ 4月 17, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments




I went out this early July morning for a quick run along the Seine. That was fun. There were very few people out, which made it easier. Paris is a city for strollers, not runners.
Women pedal their bikes up the streets, without helmets, in long white dresses; or they dash past in pink cut-off shorts and matching roller skates. Men wear orange pants and white linen shirts. They chat un petit peu (a little) and then disappear around corners. When I next see them they are driving Porsches slowly up the Boulevard Saint-Germain, loving their lives. In this small section of the city, (1)everyone seems to be offering a variation on the phrase “I wasn’t even trying.”
Couples sit next to each other in the cafés, watching the street. There are rows of them assembled as though in fashion photographs from Vogue or like a stylish display of mannequins. Everyone smokes. They know what awaits them ― horrible deaths, wild parties, (2)in no particular order.
I came home. I showered. I dressed. I walked across the way and bought some bread and milk. My wife brewed coffee. We had breakfast. Then a powerful fatigue came over me and I slept till noon. When I woke, my son was dressed. My wife was wearing Great Gatsby tee-shirt, sunglasses, earrings and jeans. Her hair was pulled back and blown out into a big beautiful Afro. We walked out and headed for a train to the suburbs. My son was bearing luggage. (3)This was the last we’ll see of him for six weeks.
It was on the train that I realized I’d gone mad. Back in Boston, I had started studying French through a workbook and some old language tapes. I then moved on to classes at a French language school. Next I hired a personal tutor. We would meet at a café in my neighborhood. Sometimes my son would stop by. I noticed he liked to linger around. One day he asked if he could be tutored in French. It struck me as weird, but I went ( 4 ) it. In May, before coming to France, he did a two-week class ― eight hours a day. He woke up at six a.m. to get to class on time and didn’t get back until twelve hours later. He would eat dinner and then sleep like a construction worker. But he liked it. Now he and my wife and I had just come to Paris for the summer, and I was sending him off to an immersion sleep-away camp ― français tous les jours (French every day).
It is insane. I am trying to display the discipline of my childhood home, the sense of constant, unending challenge, without the violence. (5)A lot of us who came up hard respect the lessons we learned, even if they were given by the belt or the boot. How do we pass those lessons on without subjecting our children to those forces? How do we toughen them for a world that will bring war to them, without subjecting them to abuse? My only answer is to put them in strange and different places, where no one cares that someone somewhere once told them they were smart. My only answer is to try to copy the style of learning I have experienced as an adult and adapt it for childhood.
But I am afraid for my beautiful brown boy.
Three weeks ago, back in America, I was sitting with my dad telling him how I had to crack down on my own son for some misbehavior. I told my dad that one thing I ( 6a ) for about fatherhood was how much it hurt me to be the bad guy, how much I wanted to let him loose, how much I ( 6b ) whenever I ( 6c ). I felt it because I remembered when I was my son’s age, and how much I had hated being twelve. I was shocked to see my dad nodding in agreement. My dad was a tough father. I didn’t think he was joyous in his toughness, but it never occurred to me that he had to force himself to discipline us. He never let us see that part of him. His rule was “Love your mother. Fear your father.” And so he wore a mask. As it happens, I feared them both.
I told my son this story yesterday. I told him that I would never force him to take up something he wasn’t interested in (like piano). But once he declared his interests, there was no other way to be, except to push him to do it to the very end. How very un-Parisian. But I told him that pain in this life is inevitable, and that he could only choose whether it would be the pain of acting or the pain of being acted upon. C’est tout (That’s all).
We signed in. He took a test. We saw his room and met his roommate. We told him we loved him. And then we left.
“When I e-mail you,” he said, “be sure to e-mail back so that I know you’re OK.”
(7)So that he knows that we are OK.
When we left my wife began to cry. On the train we talked about the madness of this all, that we ― insignificant and crazy ― should be here right now. First you leave your block. Then you leave your neighborhood. The you leave your high school. Then your city, your college and, finally, your country. At every step you are leaving another world, and at every step you feel a warm gravity, a large love, pulling you back home. And you feel crazy for leaving. And you feel that it is ridiculous to do this to yourself. And you wonder who would (8)do this to a child.
(注):the Seine セーヌ川、 Porsches ポルシェ、 the Boulevard Saint-Germain サンジェルマン大通り、 Vogue 『ヴォーグ』(ファッション雑誌)


(1) 下線部(1)から筆者はパリの人々のことをどのように考えていることがうかがえるか。その思いに最も近いものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア aimless and self-destructive.
イ Health-conscious and diligent.
ウ Self-disciplined and free from vice.
エ Escaping from reality and longing for the past.
オ Devoted to effortless pleasure and ease of living.

(2) 下線部(2)のorderの意味と最も近いものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア Her room is always kept in good order.
イ The police failed to restore public order.
ウ The words are listed in alphabetical order.
エ He gave a strict order for the students to line up.
オ I will place a quick order for fifty copies of this book.

(3) 下線部(3)を和訳せよ

(4) 空所(4)を埋めるのに最も適切な単語を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア against
イ around
ウ in
エ through
オ with

(5) 下線部(5)が意味しているのはどのような人々か。最も適切のものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア 一所懸命に努力を重ねてきた人々
イ 子供のときから病弱だった人々
ウ 他人に対して冷たくしてきた人々
エ 親から厳しいしつけを受けた人々
オ 苦労して現在の地位を築いた人々

(6) 空所(6a)(6b)(6c)を埋めるのに最も適切な語句を次のうちから一つずつ選び、その記号を記せ。ただし、同じ記号を複数回用いてはならない。

ア disciplined him
イ felt his pain
ウ hated being a kid
エ was looking
オ wasn’t prepared
カ was thrilled

(7) 下線部(7)には息子に対する筆者のさまざまな思いが表されている。その思いとして最も可能性の低いものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア The author is astonished by his son’s rudeness.
イ The author is moved by his son’s consideration.
ウ The author is struck by his son taking a parent’s role.
エ The author is surprised by his son making the first move.
オ The author is impressed to see how rapidily his son is maturing.

(8) 下線部(8)の do this が意味することは何か。日本語で説明せよ。

(9) 次のア〜キはそれぞれ問題文で語られている出来事について述べたものである。これらを出来事の起きた順に並べたとき、2番目と6番目にくる文の記号を記せ。

ア The author ran along the Seine.
イ The author’s wife began to cry.
ウ The author sat and talked with his father.
エ The author’s son took a two-week French course.
オ The author told his son that pain in this life is inevitable.
カ The author, his wife and his son took a train to the suburbs.
キ The author and his wife met his son’s roommate in the language-immersion camp.





(1) オ
(2) ウ
(3) 『私は頑張ることすらしなかった』というフレーズの実例を、誰もが提供しているかのようだ。
(4) オ
(5) エ

(6) (6a)=オ

(7) ア
(8) 愛情を感じる故郷と呼べるような場所から引き離すこと。
(9) 2番目−ウ、6番目−キ

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