東大過去問 2014年 第4問(和訳)

/ 2月 8, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments


次の英文の下線部①、②、③を和訳せよ。ただし、下線部①についてはeither approachが何を意味するかを明らかにすること。


If a welfare state is acting on behalf of the community at large, it can distribute resources on the same basis to every member of that community, or it may operate selectively, providing resources only to those who need or deserve help. A case can be made on grounds of efficiency for either approach. If sufficient benefits and services are available on the same basis to everybody, then all are guaranteed the minimum level of help to secure their basic needs. Because every body gets the same, no shame can be attached to receiving that help and nobody need be discouraged from seeking it. Those people who do not need the help they receive will, if the system is funded by progressive taxation, be able to pay back what they have received, as well as contribute to the help received by other members of the community. If, on the other hand, benefits and services are made available only to those who need or deserve them, then those resources will be put to the most effective use; more generous levels of help may be given to those in the greatest need; and those people who do not require help will not be made to feel unfairly treated by high levels of taxation.
*From Social Policy by Hartley Dean, Polity Press








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