東大過去問 2012年 第5問(総合)

/ 4月 22, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問/ 0 comments




A sari for a month. It shouldn’t have been a big deal but it was. After all, I had grown up around women wearing saris in India. My mother even slept in one.
In India, saris are adult clothes. After I turned eighteen, I occasionally wore a beautiful sari for weddings and holidays and to the temple. But wearing a silk sari to an Indian party was one thing. Deciding to wear a sari every day while living in New York, especially after ten years in Western clothes, seemed (1)outrageous, even to me.
The sari is six yards of fabric folded into a graceful yet impractical garment. It is fragile and can fall apart at any moment. When worn right, it is supremely elegant and feminine.
It requires ( 2a ), however. No longer could I spring across the street just before the light changed. The sari forced me to shorten my strides. I had to throw my shoulders ( 3a ) and pay attention to my posture. I couldn’t squeeze ( 3b ) a crowded subway car for fear that someone would accidentally pull my sari. I couldn’t balance four bags from the supermarket in one hand and pull out my house keys from a convenient pocket ( 3c ) the other. By the end of the first week, I was feeling frustrated and angry with myself. What was I trying to ( 4a )?
The notion of wearing a sari every day was relatively new for me. During my college years ― the age when most girls in India begin wearing saris regularly ― I was studying in America as an art student and I wore casual clothes just as other students did. After getting married, I became a housewife experimenting with more fashionable clothes. Over the years, in short, I tried to talk, walk, and act like an American.
Then I moved to New York and became a mother. I wanted to teach my three-old daughter Indian values and traditions because I knew she would be profoundly different from the children she would play with in religion (we are Hindus), eating habits (we are vegetarian), and the festivals we celebrated. Wearing a sari every day was my way of showing her that she could melt into the pot while keeping her individual favor.
It wasn’t just for my daughter’s sake that I decided to wear a sari. I was tired of trying to ( 4b ). No American singers had ever spoken to me as deeply as my favorite Indian singers. Nor could I sing popular American songs as easily as I could my favorite Indian tunes. Much as I enjoyed American food, I couldn’t last four days without an Indian meal. It was time to show my ethnicity with a sari and a bright red bindi. I was going to be an ( 5a ), but on my own terms. It was America’s turn to adjust to me.
Slowly, I eased into wearing the garment. I owned it and it owned me. Strangers stared at me as I walked proudly across a crowded bookstore. Some of them caught my eye and smiled. At first, I resented being an ( 5b ). Then I wondered: perhaps I reminded them of a wonderful holiday in India or favorite Indian cookbook. Shop assistants pronounced their words clearly when they spoke to me. Everywhere, I was stopped with questions about India as if wearing a sari had made me an ( 5c ). One Japanese lady near Times Square asked to have her picture taken with me. (6)A tourist had thought that I was one, too, just steps from my home.
But there were unexpected ( 2b ). Indian taxi drivers raced across lanes and stopped in front of me just as I stepped into the street to hail a cab. When my daughter climbed high up the jungle gym in Central Park, I gathered my sari and prepared to follow, hoping it wouldn’t balloon out like Marilyn Monroe’s dress. One of the dads standing nearby saw that I was in trouble and volunteered to climb after her. (7)A knight in New York? Was it me? Or was it my sari?
Best of all, my family approved. My husband praised me. My parents were proud of me. My daughter gave out a sigh of admiration when I pulled out my colorful saris. When I hugged her tenderly in my arms, scents from the small bag of sweet-smelling herbs that I used to freshen my sari at night escaped from the folds of cloth and calmed her to sleep. I felt part of a long line of Indian mothers who had rocked their babies this way.
Soon, the month was over. My self-imposed ( 2c ) was coming to an end. Instead of feeling liberated, I felt a sharp pain of unease. I had started to ( 4c ) my sari.
Saris were impractical for America, I told myself. I would continue to wear them ( 8 ). It was time to go back to my sensible casual clothes.
注:bindi ヒンドゥー教徒の女性が額につける印


(1) 下線部(1)の言いかえとして最も適切なものを次のうちから選び、その記号を記せ。

ア extreme
イ gorgeous
ウ hostile
エ precious
オ serious

(2) 空所( 2a )〜( 2c )を埋めるのに最も適切なものを次のうちから一つずつ選び、それぞれの記号を記せ。同じ記号を複数回使ってはならない。

ア advantages
イ assistance
ウ attempts
エ convenience
オ feelings
カ helplessness
キ information
ク obligation
ケ opportunity
コ sacrifices

(3) 空所( 3a )〜 ( 3c )を埋めるのに最も適切なものを次のうちから一つずつ選び、それぞれの記号を記せ。同じ記号を複数回使ってはならない。

ア above
イ at
ウ back
エ beyond
オ for
カ from
キ into
ク under
ケ with

(4) 空所 ( 4a ) 〜 ( 4c )を埋めるのに最も適切なものを次のうちから一つずつ選び、それぞれの記号を記せ。同じ記号を複数回使ってはならない。

ア avoid
イ enjoy
ウ fit in
エ insist
オ prove
カ put on

(5) 空所 ( 5a ) 〜 ( 5c )を埋めるのに最も適切な組み合わせを次のうちから選び、その記号を記せ。

ア authority / exhibit / immigrant
イ authority / immigrant / exhibit
ウ exhibit / authority / immigrant
エ exhibit / immigrant / authority
オ immigrant / authority / exhibit
カ immigrant / exhibit / authority

(6) 下線部(6)を和訳せよ。ただし、oneが何を指すか明らかにすること。

(7) 下線部(7)の説明として最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア She is amazed that a man would be kind enough to help a stranger in New York.
イ She is surprised that a man of noble birth would act so bravely in New York.
ウ She wonders if men have many opportunities to help beautiful women in New York.
エ She is confused by a father putting her daughter before his own children in New York.
オ She is shocked at a man’s eagerness to get to know someone who looks so different in New York.

(8) 空所(8)を埋めるのに最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア but not every day
イ in order to feel liberated
ウ no matter how inconvenient
エ and enjoy their sweet herb smell
オ only to show I am an Indian mother

(9) 本文の内容と一致するものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア The writer decided to wear saris because she wanted to express her Indian identity.
イ The sari was so elegant and feminine that the writer naturally behaved gracefully.
ウ Despite her initial reluctance to wear saris, the writer gradually became an expert on India.
エ Shop assistants spoke to the writer very politely because they saw her in a sari and thought she should be treated with respect.





(1)  ア
(2) (a) コ
(b) ア
(c) ク
(3) (a) ウ
(b) キ
(c) ケ
(4) (a) オ
(b) ウ
(c) イ
(5)  カ
(6)  旅行者は私を見て、私も旅行者なのだろうと考えた。自宅のすぐ側にも関わらず。
(7)  ア
(8)  ア
(9)  ア
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