東大過去問 2012年 第1問(要約)

/ 2月 24, 2020/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



As many developed countries become the destination for immigrants — people coming from other lands in search of better opportunities — the ethnic mix is changing and with this has come the fear of the loss of national identity as represented in a shared national language and common values. Anxiety is growing about what appears to be the increasing separateness of some ethnic communities. Surveys in the USA, for example, have found that immigrants who have little or no mastery of English and who primarily rely on Spanish in their homes and work lives have strikingly different opinions from English speakers about controversial social issues such as divorce and homosexuality.
There is, however, another side to such separate, parallel lives. We now live in a world in which immigrants do not have to break connections with friends and family to begin the generations-long process of adopting a new identity. Not only is it possible to retain close contact with the ‘home’ community on a daily basis via email and telephone, but it is also possible for people to read the same newspapers as those being read in the community they have left, watch the same television programs on satellite television, or borrow the same films on DVD.
Social network ties which were broken in previous generations are everywhere becoming reconnected. Families and communities which were separated generations ago are finding each other once again. Ties are being reconnected, helping to create a different type of society; one which is more spread out and less dependent on geographic closeness.









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  1. 移民が増加し、国語や共通価値観など国家の同一性が失われつつある一方で、情報通信の発達で、遠距離間での新しい共同体が再形成されようとしている。(70字)

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