東大過去問 2011年 第5問(総合)
One morning there was a knock on the front door. The knocking continued, and someone called out: ‘( 1a )’ It was Mrs. Brodie, a neighbor who lived a few houses away. She first saw (2a)the unfortunate child whose name she could never remember. Then she saw her mother, and put her hand over (2b)her mouth: ‘Oh, my goodness!’ She arranged an ambulance to take (2c)her to hospital. Meanwhile, Perdita was taken in by the Ramsays, Flora and Ted, who were both in their sixties and had their own grown-up children somewhere. They were sensitive and considerate people.
Perdita often wondered where her mother was and if she was eating and recovering her strength, but it was almost a liberation; the Ramsays’ understanding and easy concern (3)enabled her to breathe freely again. Both Flora and Ted took trouble to make Perdita feel at home. Less than a month after Perdita joined them, Flora Ramsay announced to her that she was to see a doctor. Perdiata consented, but she was afraid of having her speech examined by a stranger. ‘( 1b )’ said Flora, without offering any details. So Perdita arrived at a clinic building attached to the children’s hospital.
Perdita decided that she must be brave. But although the nurse at the reception desk smiled at her as she asked her to spell her name, courage was not, after all, so easy to (4)come by. Once again, her attempt to spell her own name disclosed her condition. So Flora, who was a sensible woman, did all the talking.
Here, in a small office behind the clinic in which Perdita felt so afraid, she met her doctor, Doctor Viktor Oblov. A native of Novosibirsk, in Russia, he had come to Australia on a merchant ship at the end of the First World War, in which he had served as a doctor, treating soldiers who had psychological problems. Although he was introducing himself to Flora, Perdita also listened closely. He sounded like an exciting and interesting person. He had thinning grey hair, unfashionably long, and wore a pair of glasses with gold frames. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled, as if he were ( 5 ). Perdita was immediately charmed. When he spoke his voice was soft and low, an excellent thing in a doctor.
‘Very pleased to meet you,’ he said, as if he meant it. His office was untidy and unmedical, his manner a pleasant surprise.
Doctor Oblov had glass objects – paperweights – resting on his desk, which he took up from time to time, turned in his delicate hands, and set down again. One of the objects was a solid, perfectly round piece of glass containing a strange flower of brilliant blue, a kind of flower that could not ( 6 ) exist in nature. There was a second one containing a tiny ship sailing through stormy waves, and a third that held a butterfly of bright yellow. As a child who had rarely been given gifts, who possessed a piece of pearl shell but little else that might be considered as treasure, Perdita found these objects delightfully attractive.
At this first meeting, there were a few questions, but very little else, and Perdita hardly believed that Doctor Oblov was a doctor at all. He saw her looking at the three glass objects as he played with them, and asked her if she would like to choose one to hold while he asked her some questions. It would make talking easier, he said. Perdita thought this was a silly suggestion, but agreed in order to please him, and because the invitation to hold one of the paperweights was what she had ( 7 ) for. She chose the one that contained the unnatural flower.
‘When you speak to me,’ said Doctor Oblov, ‘imagine that your voice is projected beyond you, into the paperweight, and coming, like magic, out of the centre of the blue flower,’
Again Perdita thought this was a foolish suggestion – he treating her as a little girl, she felt – but so beautiful was the object that (8)it somehow allowed her to overcome that feeling. She held the paperweight, which was cold and perfect, which was, she had to admit, one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen, and responded to (9)the doctor’s simple questions, asked in a voice so low she could hardly hear him.
Yes, the problem started about two years ago, after she had witnessed her father’s death. Yes, it was getting worse, she spoke less and less. Yes, there were occasions when she spoke without difficulty; she could recite whole verses of Shakespeare, which she had learned from her mother.
(10)At this Doctor Oblov leaned back in his chair, knitting his fingers.
‘( 1c )’ Flora interrupted loudly.
Perdita looked up at her and smiled, and then resumed looking into the complex beauty of the glass paperweight.
‘( 1d )’ asked the doctor. ‘Just a verse or two?’
It did not need effort; Perdita recited Hamlet’s famous speech, which was her easiest piece. She heard the words flowing easily off her tongue with a sense of pride.
Doctor Oblov looked impressed. A happy smile spread across Flora’s face, and she held her handbag close like a girl thrilled to meet a famous actor.
‘I see,’ said the doctor.
He stretched out his open palm. She place the paperweight carefully in his hand. It caught the light, and shone like a jewel.
‘One day,’ he said to her, ‘when your words come easily again, you can take it home.’
Perdita was thrilled for a moment, but then she began to doubt him. It was hardly a promise he would be required to keep. But Doctor Oblov smiled at her, and reached to shake her hand, as though he considered her not a child after all, but another adult. She took the doctor’s hand earnestly, shook it like a grown-up, and was pleased she had come.
(1) 空所( 1a )〜 ( 1d )を埋めるのに最も適切な表現を次のうちから選び、それぞれの記号を記せ。同じ記号を複数回使ってはならない。
ア Who was it?
イ Just to check!
ウ Anyone there?
エ That’s a pity…
オ Would you mind?
カ That’s what she said!
イ Just to check!
ウ Anyone there?
エ That’s a pity…
オ Would you mind?
カ That’s what she said!
(2) 下線部(2a)〜(2c)は誰を指すと考えられるか、それぞれの記号を記せ。同じ記号を複数回使ってはならない。
ア Perdita
イ Mrs. Brodie
ウ Flora’s child
エ Flora Ramsay
オ Perdita’s mother
イ Mrs. Brodie
ウ Flora’s child
エ Flora Ramsay
オ Perdita’s mother
(3) 下線部(3)の意味として最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア She was able to get over her cold.
イ She was able to express her opinion.
ウ She was able to share her excitement.
エ She was able to recover her peace of mind.
イ She was able to express her opinion.
ウ She was able to share her excitement.
エ She was able to recover her peace of mind.
(4) 下線部(4)の意味として最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア lose
イ obtain
ウ require
エ display
イ obtain
ウ require
エ display
(5) 下に与えられた語を正しい順に並び替え、空所( 5 )を埋めるのに最も適切な表現を完成させよ。ただし、下の語群には、不要な語が二つ含まれている。
about, engage, find, in, interested, labour, physical, to
(6) 空所( 6 )を埋めるのに最も適切な単語を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア only
イ openly
ウ possibly
エ completely
イ openly
ウ possibly
エ completely
(7) 空所( 7 )を埋めるのに最も適切な単語を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア lived
イ asked
ウ hoped
エ prepared
イ asked
ウ hoped
エ prepared
(8) 下線部(8)を和訳せよ。ただし、itとthat feelingが意味する内容を明らかにすること。
(9) 下線部(9)の質問内容と合致しないものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア Is it becoming more severe?
イ Did the trouble start long ago?
ウ Does holding the paperweight help?
エ Are there any times when it doesn’t happen?
イ Did the trouble start long ago?
ウ Does holding the paperweight help?
エ Are there any times when it doesn’t happen?
(10) 下線部(10)の言い換えとして最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア Hearing what she said,
イ Seeing how she said it,
ウ Guessing what she said,
エ Trying to repeat what she said,
イ Seeing how she said it,
ウ Guessing what she said,
エ Trying to repeat what she said,
ペルディタは、彼女がとても恐れていたクリニック裏の小さな診察室で、ビクトール・オブロフ先生に会った。彼はロシアのノボシビルスクの出身で、第一次世界大戦中は精神的な問題を抱えた兵士の治療を行うために、医師として従軍していたのだが、大戦の終わりに商船に乗ってオーストラリアにやって来たのだった。彼はフローラに向けて自己紹介したが、ペルディタもそれを注意深く聞いていた。彼は陽気で、面白い人のようだった。彼の薄くなってきている灰色の髪は長く、お洒落とは言いがたかった。そして金のフレームの眼鏡をかけていた。彼のシャツの袖は、肉体労働に取り掛かろうとするかのように、捲り上げられていた。ペルディタはすぐに気に入ってしまった。彼が話すと、その声は低く優し く、それは医者としては素晴らしい資質だった。
(1) | (1a) | ウ |
(1b) | イ | |
(1c) | カ | |
(1d) | オ | |
(2) | (2a) | ア |
(2b) | イ | |
(2c) | オ |
(3) | エ | |
(4) | イ | |
(5) | about to engage in physical labour | |
(6) | ウ | |
(7) | ウ | |
(8) | 青い花の入った美しい置物のおかげで、自分がオブロフ先生に子供扱いされているという不満な気持ちを、どうにか我慢することができた。 | |
(9) | ウ | |
(10) | ア |
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