東大過去問 2007年 第1問(要約)
We usually think of the meaning of a poem ー or any other literary work ー as having been created and fixed by the writer; all we readers have to do is find out what the author intended to say. However, although it is indeed the poet who gives verbal form to his or her idea or vision, it is the reader who translates this verbal shape into meaning and personal response. Reading is in reality a creative process affected by the attitudes, memories, and past reading experiences of each individual reader. It is this feature of reading which allow for the possibility of any poem having more than one interpretation.
This emphasis on the reader as the source of meaning can, however, be problematic since it is sometimes difficult to draw the line between what we can all agree is a reasonable interpretation and one that appears wild and unjustifiable. Readers often seem eager to produce their own meanings out of their encounters with poems, meanings which, however reasonable or satisfying they are to the readers themselves, may not have been intended by the poet and may not be share by other readers.
So who actually has the authority to determine meaning? Any strict distinction made between the reader and the writer as the source of meaning is not helpful. Of course, it is in some ways useful to think about and to discuss the differences in the contributions of reader and writer, but this does not alter the fundamental fact that reading is a kind of interaction. It would be misleading to think that the meaning or value of a poem was under the exclusive control of one or the other.
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