東大過去問 2005年 第1問(要約)

/ 2月 23, 2020/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



We are only born with so much natural rhythm and harmony, and we have to search for and develop ways of maintaining both. My fifty years of experience in teaching and encouraging top sports people have made me realize that total harmony in movement should resemble a fish in water — one shake of its tail and off it goes, changing pace and direction with ease. Minimum effort is applied, but maximum results are achieved.
All the great heroes in the history of sport — Pele, Muhammad Ali, Bjorn Borg — started each movement with rhythm and fluency. They did not move suddenly from a dead stop: they were thinking sway-and-flow, not start-and-run. They had developed what might be called high-level awareness, which is an absolute necessity for any athlete who wants to reach the top of their profession.
We all know that nerves and tension can cause bad movements and errors, but these can be minimized by developing a lifestyle around this high-level awareness. You must focus the body and make it aware, as you would your fingers that were about to pick something up. Your whole body, like your fingers, must be sensitive to its position in space. Gradually, you will develop your own sense of rhythm, and this will show up in better and more consistent performance.









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  1. 身体能力を最も効率的に発揮するためには、体の動きに全意識を集中し、緊張をなくして、リズミカルに無駄なく体を動かすことが必要だ。(63字)

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