東大過去問 2003年 第4問(和訳)

/ 2月 1, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments



Some people will find the hand of God behind everything that happens. I visit a woman in the hospital whose car was run into by a drunken driver driving through a red light. Her vehicle was totally destroyed, but miraculously she escaped with only a broken ankle. She looks up at me from her hospital bed and says, ‘Now I know there is a God. If I could come out of that alive and in one piece, it must be because He is watching over me up there.’ I smile and keep quiet, running the risk of letting her think that I agree with her — though I don’t exactly. My mind goes back to a funeral I conducted two weeks earlier, for a young husband and father who died in a similar drunk-driver collision. The woman before me may believe that she is alive because God wanted her to survive, and I am not inclined to talk her out of it, but what would she or I say to that other family?









① 私はあの車が大破するような悲惨な事故から五体満足で生還できたのだけれど
② 私が彼女に同意している、と彼女が思い込む危険を冒しながらも
③ 神がそう望んだから自分は生き残ったのだと信じる事を、彼女にやめさせたいとは思わない。

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