東大過去問 1998年 第5問(総合)

/ 5月 3, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問/ 0 comments



Simple Peter was walking to work in the fields one morning when he met an old woman sitting beside the road.
‘Good morning, old woman,’ he said, ‘why do you look so sad?’
‘I have lost my ring,’ said the old woman, ‘and it is the only one like it in the whole world.’
‘I will help you find it.’ said Simple Peter, and he got down on his hands and knees to look for the old woman’s ring.
Well, he hunted for a long time, until at last he found the ring under a leaf.
‘Thank you,’ said the old woman, and slipped the ring on to her finger. Then she took a mirror out of her apron and gave it to Peter, saying, ‘Take this as a reward.’
‘What do I need a mirror for?’ asked Peter.
‘That is no ordinary mirror,’ replied the old woman. ‘It is a magic mirror. Anyone who looks into it will see themselves not as they are, but as other people see them.’
Simple Peter held the mirror up to his face and peered into it. First he turned one way, then he turned the other. Finally, he shook his head and said. ‘Well, it may be a magic mirror, but it’s no good to me. I can’t see myself in it at all.’
The old woman smiled and said, ‘The mirror will never lie to you. It will show you a true reflection of yourself as other people see you.’ And with that she touched her ring, and disappeared.
Well. Simple Peter stood there in great surprise for a long while, and then he looked in the mirror again, and ( 1 ) himself, even when he put his nose right up against it.
Just then a farmer came riding past. ‘Excuse me,’ said Simple Peter.‘but have you seen my reflection? I can’t find it in this mirror.’
‘Oh,’ said the farmer. ‘I saw it half an hour ago, running down the road.’
‘Thank you,’ said Peter, ‘I’ll ( 2 ) if I can catch it.’ and he ran off down the road.
The farmer laughed and said to himself. ‘That Simple Peter is (3) a real goose!’ and he went on his way.
Simple Peter ran on and on until he came to the blacksmith.
‘Where are you running so fast, Peter?’ called the blacksmith.
‘I’m trying to catch my reflection.’ replied Peter. ‘John the farmer said it ran this way. Did you see it?’
The blacksmith, who was a kind man, shook his head and said, ‘John the farmer has been telling you ( 4 ). Your reflection can’t run away from you. Look in the mirror, and you’ll see it there all right.’
So Peter looked in the magic mirror, and do you know what he saw? He saw a goose, with a yellow beak and black eyes, staring straight back at him.
‘There, do you see your reflection?’ asked the blacksmith.
‘I only see a goose,’ said Peter. ‘but I’m not a goose. I’ll show you all ! I’ll seek my fortune, and then you’ll see me as I really am!’
So Peter ( 5 ).
Before long, he met a woodcutter and his family with all their belongings on their backs coming down the road towards him.
‘Where are you going?’ he asked them.
‘We’re leaving this country,’ said the woodcutter, ‘because there’s a dragon here. It’s fifty times as big as a man and could eat you up in one mouthful. Now it has carried off the King’s daughter and is going to eat her for supper tonight. So, if you’re going in that direction, you’d better be careful.’ And with that they hurried on their way.
Peter went on, and suddenly he heard a terrible sound. He looked round a rock and there he saw the dragon. ( 6 ) the woodcutter had said, it was fifty times as big as himself and it was sharpening its teeth with a stone.
‘Oh ho! Are you the dragon?’ asked Peter. The dragon stopped sharpening its teeth and looked with great fierce eyes at Peter.
‘I am !’ said the dragon.
‘Then I shall have to kill you,’ said Peter.
‘Indeed?’ said the dragon, breathing fire. ‘And how are you going to kill me?’
And Peter said, ‘Oh, I’m not, but behind this rock I have the most terrible creature, that is fifty times as big as you, and could eat you up in one mouthful!’
‘Impossible!’ roared the dragon, and leapt behind the rock. Now Peter, who was after all not so ( 7 ) despite his nickname, had hidden the magic mirror there, and so when the dragon came leaping round the rock ( 8 ) it came face to face with it, and there, for the first time, it saw itself as it appeared to others ― fifty times as big and able to eat itself up in one mouthful! And then and there the dragon turned on its tail and ran off over the mountains as fast as it could, and was never seen again.
Then Peter went into the dragon’s cave, and found the King’s daughter, and carried her back to the palace. And the King gave him jewels and fine clothes and all the people cheered him. And when Peter looked in the magic mirror now, do you know what he saw? He saw himself as a brave, fierce lion, ( 9 ). But he said to himself, ‘I’m not a lion! I’m Peter.’
Just then the Princess came by and Peter showed her the mirror and asked her what she saw there.
‘I see the most beautiful girl in the world,’ said the Princess. ‘But I’m not the most beautiful girl in the world.’
‘But that’s how you appear to me,’ said Peter, and he told the Princess the whole story about how he had ( 10 ) the mirror, and how he had ( 11 ) the dragon.
‘So you see, I’m not really a goose, and I’m not really as brave as a lion. I’m just Simple Peter.’
When the Princess heard his story, she began to like him for his honesty. Pretty soon she grew to love him, and the King agreed that they should be married, even though Peter was just a poor farmer’s son.
‘But, my dear!’ said the Queen. ‘People will ( 12 ) because he is not a real prince.’
‘Nonsense!’ replied the King. ‘We’ll make him into the finest prince you ever did see!’ But the old Queen was right…
On the day of the wedding, Peter was dressed up in the finest clothes, trimmed with gold and fur. But when he looked in the magic mirror, do you know what he saw? Instead of a rich and magnificent prince, he saw himself in his own rags ― Simple Peter. But it didn’t worry him. He smiled and said to himself, ‘At last! Everyone sees me as I ( 13 )!’



(1) 空所( 1 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア eventually he began to see
イ now he could no longer see
ウ now he could see
エ still he could not see

(2) 空所( 2 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア go
イ know
ウ run
エ see

(3) 文脈から判断して,下線部(3)の語句にはどのようなニュアンスが伴っていると考えられるか。最も適当なものを次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア clever
イ evil
ウ fast
エ stupid

(4)  空所( 4 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア facts
イ news
ウ rumors
エ stories

(5) 空所( 5 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア began to see himself as he really was
イ decided not to look like a goose
ウ made up his mind to get rid of the mirror
エ set off to seek his fortune

(6) 空所( 6 )を埋めるのに長も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア Just as
イ Just that
ウ Such as
エ Such that

(7) 空所( 7 )を埋めるのに最も適当な英語1語を記せ。

(8) 下線部(8)に出てくる4つのitのうち,指すものが違うものが1つだけある。そのitが何番目に出てくるかを数字で記し,さらに,それが指しているものを文中から選び,定冠詞(the)に続けて英語で記せ。

(9) 空所( 9 )に入れて意味が正しく通るよう,下の語を並べ替えよ。

else everyone him how saw was which

(10) 空所( 10 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア changed
イ found
ウ got
エ wanted

(11) 空所( 11 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア attacked
イ burnt
ウ killed
エ tricked

(12) 空所( 12 )を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を次のうちから選び,その記号を記せ。

ア ignore us
イ laugh at us
ウ look back at us
エ respect us

(13) 空所( 13 )を埋めるのに最も適当な英語2語を記せ。

(14) この物語の登場人物のうち,次の描写にそれぞれ最も当てはまる人物は誰か。文中の語句を用いて,定冠詞(the)に続けて英語で記せ。

a The person who is worried about Peter’s social position.
b The person who makes fun of Peter.
c The person who warns Peter about a danger.






(7) simple
(8) 2、the magic mirror
(9) which was how everyone else saw him
(13) really am
(14) a: the Queen
b: the farmer
c: the woodcutter
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