東大過去問 1990年 第4問(和訳)

/ 1月 30, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments



(1)People forget how important it is to be lazy in libraries. Not of course idle: idleness means daydreaming. Laziness means reading the books one ought not to be reading, and becoming so absorbed in them that at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning. Creative laziness broadens the mind.

(2)Emotions are everywhere the same; but the artistic expression of them varies from age to age and from one country to another. We are brought up to accept the conventions current in the society into which we are born. This sort of art, we learn in childhood, is meant to excite laughter, that to provoke our tears. Such conventions vary with great rapidity, even in the same country.

(3)Language, when it is used to convey information about facts, is always an abbreviation for a richer conceptualization. We know more about objects, events and people than we are ever fully able to express in words. Consider the difficulty of saying all you know about the familiar face of a friend. The fact is that your best effort would probably fail to convey enough information to enable someone else to single out your friend in a large crowd. This simply illustrates the fact that you know more than you are able to say.








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