東大過去問 1979年 第1問(要約)

/ 12月 12, 2019/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



No one can write a man’s life but himself. The character of his inner being, his real life, is known only to himself, but in writing it he disguises it. Under the name of his life he makes an apology. He shows himself as he wishes to be seen, but not at all as he is. The sincerest persons are truthful at most in what they say, but they lie by their silences. Things of which they say nothing so change what they pretend to confess that in uttering only a part of the truth they say nothing. A man may show himself with his faults but he is certain to give himself none but amiable ones, and there is no man who has not odious ones. He may paint his likeness but it is a profile. Who know whether some ugly scar on the cheek or an eye put out on the side which he conceals from us would not have totally changed the appearance of his face?



  1. but
  2. inner being
  3. disguise
  4. under the name of~
  5. make an apology
  6. sincerest
  7. what they pretend to confess
  8. utter
  9. fault
  10. be certain to~
  11. amiable
  12. odious
  13. likeness
  14. profile
  15. ugly scar
  16. cheek
  17. put out on the side
  18. conceal
  19. appearance






人が自分だけが知っている自身の内面について書くとき、粉飾したり都合 の悪い事を省くことで嘘をつき、見せたい自分を演出する。(60字)


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  1. 自分を最もよく知るのは本人なので、自分のことを書けるのは本人だけだが、人は自分の好ましい所だけを見せたがり、短所は書こうとしないものだ。(68字)

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