東大過去問 1976年 第1問(要約)

/ 12月 10, 2019/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 4 comments

  • コメント欄に生徒の答案と添削があります。



When I was younger, I considered myself fortunate to be a bricklayer. It was a skilled occupation from which I derived much artistic pleasure. There were two reasons for this. I found the job itself pleasurable and I felt I was performing a social service. The latter aspect was more evident when I was engaged on housing, especially working-class housing. Slum dwellers, I thought, ought to be served first and these were mainly working-class people. At the time I felt this the government had a housing plan that was supposed to help the worst off first.
As I’ve grown older, the job has become more monotonous, owing partly to new building techniques and partly to years of repetition. Perhaps age has something to do with it. I am becoming increasingly aware of aches and pains that were not present when I was younger. Perhaps disillusionment comes because of the way my employers and society treat me as a bricklayer. The employers treat me as a means to an end, seldom as a person. Something to be thrown away like an old boot when no longer required.
I am now a better bricklayer than I was. I now feel no sense of artistic pleasure in my job. I keep laying bricks because this is the way to make the maximum of money. I feel no sense of being socially useful. Society does not seem to appreciate my efforts nor can I get any pleasure from working on these monstrous structures we call office buildings and homes. My job could quite easily be done by machines and often is by concreting techniques. For a good many years now I have sold my skill, if it can still be called that, to whoever pays highest.
(注) disillusionment: loss of idealistic hopes; disappointment



  1. fortunate
  2. bricklayer
  3. skilled occupation
  4. derive
  5. artistic pleasure
  6. pleasurable
  7. social service
  8. latter aspect
  9. evident
  10. be engaged on~
  11. housing
  12. working-class
  13. slum dweller
  14. ought to be served first
  15. housing plan
  16. the worst
  17. be supposed to
  18. monotonous
  19. owing partly to~
  20. years of repetition
  21. have something to do with ~
  22. aches and pains
  23. present
  24. disillusionment
  25. means to an end
  26. something to be thrown away
  27. when no longer required
  28. socially useful
  29. appreciate
  30. monstrous structure
  31. concreting techniques
  32. for a good many years
  33. whoever pays highest







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  1. 若い頃は、仕事の楽しさと社会貢献の喜びを感じていた。年を取るにつれ、単調な作業の反復と周囲からの職業的軽視に嫌気が差すようになった。今は、機械に敵わなくなった自分の技術を少しでも高く売れればよいと考えている。(104字)

    1. Hiroakiさん、ありがとうございます。



  2. ご講評ありがとうございます。

  3. 若い頃は煉瓦職人であることを幸運だと考え仕事に芸術的な喜びを感じ、さらに社会の役に立っていると感じていた。歳をとるにつれ自分の待遇に気付き仕事が味気なくなり、今では成長はしたものの芸術的な喜びは覚えず、専ら給料のために仕事を続けている。(117字)

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