東大過去問 2010年 第1問
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次の英文の内容を、挙げられた例にも触れながら、90~100字の日本語に要約せよ。ただし、句読点も字数に含め、”science fiction”は「SF」(2字)と表記せよ。
Science fiction not only is good fun but also serves a serious purpose, that of expanding the human imagination. We can explore how the human spirit might respond to future developments in science, and we can imagine what those development.
There is a two-way trade between science fiction and science. Science fiction suggests ideas that scientists include in their theories, but sometimes science turns up notions that are stranger than any science fiction. Black holes are an example, greatly assisted by the inspired name that the physicist John Archibald Wheeler gave them. Had they continued with their original names of “frozen stars” of “gravitationally completely collapsed objects,” there wouldn’t have been half so much written about them.
One thing that science fiction has focused attention on is travel faster than light. If a spaceship were restricted to flying just under the speed of light, it might seem to the crew that the round trip to the center of the galaxy took only a few years, but 80,000 years would have passed on Earth before the spaceship’s return. So much for going back to see your family!
Fortunately, Einstein’s general theory of relativity allows the possibility for a way around this difficulty: one might be able to bend, or warp, space and time and create a shortcut between the places one wanted to visit. It seems that such warping might be within our capabilities in the future. There has not been much serious scientific research along these lines, however, partly, I think, because it sounds too much like science fiction. One of the consequences of rapid space travel would be that one could also travel back in time. Imagine the complaint about the waste of taxpayers’ money if it were known that the government were supporting research on time travel. For this reason, scientists working in this field have to hide their real interest by using technical terms like “closed timeline curves” that really mean time travel. Nevertheless, today’s science fiction is often tomorrow’s science fact. The science behind science fiction is surely worth investigating.
*From The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking, HarperClooins Publishers
There is a two-way trade between science fiction and science. Science fiction suggests ideas that scientists include in their theories, but sometimes science turns up notions that are stranger than any science fiction. Black holes are an example, greatly assisted by the inspired name that the physicist John Archibald Wheeler gave them. Had they continued with their original names of “frozen stars” of “gravitationally completely collapsed objects,” there wouldn’t have been half so much written about them.
One thing that science fiction has focused attention on is travel faster than light. If a spaceship were restricted to flying just under the speed of light, it might seem to the crew that the round trip to the center of the galaxy took only a few years, but 80,000 years would have passed on Earth before the spaceship’s return. So much for going back to see your family!
Fortunately, Einstein’s general theory of relativity allows the possibility for a way around this difficulty: one might be able to bend, or warp, space and time and create a shortcut between the places one wanted to visit. It seems that such warping might be within our capabilities in the future. There has not been much serious scientific research along these lines, however, partly, I think, because it sounds too much like science fiction. One of the consequences of rapid space travel would be that one could also travel back in time. Imagine the complaint about the waste of taxpayers’ money if it were known that the government were supporting research on time travel. For this reason, scientists working in this field have to hide their real interest by using technical terms like “closed timeline curves” that really mean time travel. Nevertheless, today’s science fiction is often tomorrow’s science fact. The science behind science fiction is surely worth investigating.
*From The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking, HarperClooins Publishers
- SFと科学の互恵関係を中心にまとめる。
- 第1段落と第3段落は内容が近いので結合する。
- 普通、要約は例を除外するが、この問題は珍しく例にも触れるよう指示されている。
- 例は「ブラックホール」「ワープ」「タイムトラベル」である。字数的に全てに触れなくても良いかもしれない。
- 第3段落の書き方に注意。『ワープに関する真剣な研究が行われていない』と書いてあるが、文字通り受け取ってはいけない。タイムトラベルの場合と同じく、あまりにSF的な研究をしているとバレると予算が付かない(批判される)ので、「閉鎖的時間軸湾曲」などと言ってごまかすんですね。実際には、研究者の中には子供の頃にSFを読んで、「ワープやタイムトラベルを実現してやる!」と心の中では思っているような人が多いんですね。それがSFが科学にもたらす恩恵なわけです。
- 問題文をよく読み、文中での意味を答えなさい。
- explore
- human spirit
- two-way trade
- turn up
- inspired name
- physicist
- collapsed
- object
- restrict
- crew
- round trip
- Einstein
- general theory of relativity
- a way around this difficulty
- bend
- shortcut
- along these lines
- consequence
- complaint
- taxpayer
- term
- investigate
- explore 探る
- human spirit 人の精神
- two-way trade 相互貿易→互恵関係
- turn up 思いつく、発見する
- inspired name 興味をかきたてられるような用語
- physicist 物理学者
- collapsed 崩壊した
- object 物体
- restrict 制限する
- crew 乗組員
- round trip 往復旅行
- Einstein アインシュタイン
- general theory of relativity 一般相対性理論
- a way around this difficulty この困難を克服する
- bend 捻じ曲げる
- shortcut ショートカット、近道
- along these lines こういった類の
- consequence 結果
- complaint 不平・不満
- taxpayer 納税者
- term 用語
- investigate 研究する
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