京大過去問 2004年 第2問B(英文和訳)

/ 11月 27, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★, the more, too to構文/ 1 comments

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In our hyper-mobile society, we will all be much more dispersed. Last year in Europe, there were 17 million new cars sold and Europe’s car population increased by 3 million. That kind of growth can only be accommodated outside the old inner cities. They have been full for some time, so it can only occur in the suburbs and beyond.
Our future society will be a more polarized one. As these growth trends continue, a number of groups will get left behind. (1)All of those too old or too young to drive, — life for them will get harder. The more car-dependent we become, the more they will become dependent for their mobility on the withered remains of public transport and the goodwill of car owners.
It will also be a less child friendly world. If you go back 30 years, and look at how children got to school, 80% of eight-year-olds got to school on their own. In our survey in 1990, that had dropped to 9%. (2)Parents said that they denied their children the freedom that they themselves had enjoyed, because of the fear of traffic, and also of strangers. It is clear that our social relations are already changing.




  • mobile 可動の、流動の
  • dispersed 分散した
  • accommodate 収容する
  • for some timeしばらくの間、かなり長い間
  • polarize 分極化させる
  • wither しおれる、衰える
  • accommodate 収容する
  • goodwill 好意、親切心


難易度★All of those too old or too young to drive, — life for them will get harder. The more car-dependent we become, the more they will become dependent for their mobility on the withered remains of public transport and the goodwill of car owners.


難易度★Parents said that they denied their children the freedom that they themselves had enjoyed, because of the fear of traffic, and also of strangers.



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  1. It will also be a less child friendly world.は、child-friendlyとすべきだと思うのですが、原文のままでも文法的に問題はないのでしょうか?

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