京大過去問 2000年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 10月 18, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★/ 2 comments

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On my second day, I drove along Route 5, which follows closely along Lake Erie, and which, mile after mile, is absolutely gorgeous. Even a fruit stand I stopped at overwhelmed me with its earthy grandeur: dark purple Concord grapes set out in brown baskets, blushing peaches crowding each other on wooden tables, green apples in bushel baskets, all smelling of fall.
I drove through the morning, before taking a break at a boat-launch site where I brought out a piece of my cinnamon bread to feed a lone seagull I saw. (1)But within seconds, there were a good 20, squawking loudly, hanging suspended in the air like live mobiles. I took several photographs that failed miserably at capturing the beauty of my time at the edge of that vast body of water. You had to be there, as they say. You had to smell the air so clean it seemed bleached, feel the perfect warmth of the day against your bare arms, hear the shrill cries of those greedy, greedy birds, see the sun sparkle in the glassy curls of the waves. You had to stand still with your eyes closed, and feel with your feet on the face of the earth.
When you drive so many miles, you get in a lot of good thinking time. (2)I experienced the rich kind of meditation that occurs only when you reach a nearly selfless state of relaxation. I felt as though my life spread out on either side of me, airing itself out so that it could come back into me, refreshed.
When I saw the red sun hanging low in the sky, I knew I had to get back on the highway and make better time. I gulped more coffee, got more gas, turned the radio up loud. And the next time I got out of the car, I was home in Boston.
“How was your trip?” my daughters asked.
“I got a quilt,” I said as though it were an answer.
Here’s the real answer:
It can be incredibly time-consuming and uncomfortable to drive a long distance. But it’s worth it, for the way your imagination gets off the leash. You drive past a house in a small town, and you wonder: Who lives there? What do they do for a living? Who’s in their family, and what do they call their dog? You see a stranger walking down a random sidewalk, and you wonder what he dreams at night. You drive past a farmhouse and think, What is it like to eat breakfast in that kitchen? To walk in those fields? To fall asleep in that bedroom so close to that maple?
(3)In the beginning, we humans did not settle away from each other. We did not keep to ourselves or to lonely, outer borders. We were curious, drawn to one another, comforted by our similarities and inspired by our differences. We are still that way, I think. This trip showed me that. It also showed me that the America I remembered still exists. I drove for more than a thousand miles in a car smelling of cinnamon, my heart filled to the stretching point by the beauty of the land and the people who live here. That is why this is a love story. And that is why I believe everyone should, at least once, forget about airports and enjoy a close-up look at what is still here in this country, and free for the taking, if only we will slow down and look.




  • Lake Erie → エリー湖(カナダとアメリカの国境にある五大湖の一つ)
  • gorgeous → 素晴らしい、気持ちの良い
  • grandeur → 壮麗さ
  • set out → 陳列する
  • blush → 頬を赤らめる、赤面する
  • bushel → ブッシェル(野菜などを測る単位、約35リットル)
  • seagull → カモメ
  • good → かなりの、(おそらく、数量を)超える
  • mobile →(ベビーベッドの上に吊るす)モビール
  • shrill → 金切り声の、甲高い
  • air A out → Aを換気する
  • make good time →(旅行で)あっという間に移動する
  • gulp → 急いでガツガツと飲み込む
  • leash →(犬などを繋ぐ)綱、ひも
  • keep to A → Aにとどまる、Aに固執する
  • outer border → 辺境
  • stretch → 引き延ばす
  • to the stretching point → 引き延ばされた点まで → 限界まで


  • 下線部(1)について。20とはカモメの数のこと。前文にa lone seagullにパンをやろうとしたとある上、以下にsquawking(ギャーギャー鳴く)とあるので、すぐに分かるはず。hang suspendedは空中に吊るされたように留まっていたということ。mobileをモノとして知らないと、訳が難しくなる。fail at capturingで、『(写真に)おさめることに失敗した』ということ。vast body of waterはエリー湖のこと。as they sayのtheyは、不特定・一般に人のこと。『人々がよく言うように』『よく言われることだが』くらいに訳せばよい。You had to be there→あなたはそこにいなければならなかった→(その湖畔で過ごす時間の素晴らしさは、写真ではなく、実際に)その場にいなければ味わえなかった。
  • 下線部(2)について。第一文は平易。第二文はドライブ中のリラックスした思索について。車で風をきって走っている爽快な感覚(窓を開けてドライブした時の空気の流れ)に結び付けた表現であることに気付けると良い。またこの旅自体が、リフレッシュして普段の人生(life)に戻るための、一種の換気である。この一文が文章全体を象徴的に要約していることに気付けると良い。so thatを『〜するために』と目的で訳しても良い。
  • 下線部(3)について。第一文は平易。settleは『住む』。第二文のkeep to oneselfは直訳すると『私自身にとどまる』。keep to lonely, outer borderは『一人きりの外縁の境界』。このままでは不自然なので、第一文と逆の内容、つまり『人々が離れて暮らしている』という内容になるようにまとめる。第三文はcuriousとdrawn to one anotherとcomforted by our similaritiesとinspired by our differencesの4つの要素が並んでいる形。A, B, C and Dの形が見えるかどうか。第四文は、現代人は物理的心理的に離れて暮らしているように見えても、本当は昔と同じように、他人との関係を求めているはずだということ。

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  1. 私は2日目に5号線に沿って車を走らせていた。5号線はエリー湖に寄り添うように何マイルにも渡って伸びており、素晴らしく美しい道である。ふと立ち寄ったフルーツスタンドでさえ、豊穣の大地が私を感動させた。深紫色のコンコードグレープが茶色の籠に盛られ、頬を赤らめた桃が木のテーブルに所狭しと並べられ、青リンゴがブッシェル籠に納められ、それら全てが秋の芳香を放っていた。
    この訳が、2回繰り返され、I drove through the morning, before taking a break at a boat-launch site where I brought out a piece of my cinnamon bread to feed a lone seagull I saw.の和訳が見当たらないようです。

  2. And that is why I believe everyone should, at least once, forget about airports and enjoy a close-up look at what is still here in this country, and free for the taking, if only we will slow down and look.

    上記の文章で、if onlyは通常仮定法で、「—でありさえすればなあ。」訳します。only if (の場合に限り)の方が理解しやすいのですが、どのように解釈したら宜しいでしょうか?

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