京大過去問 2000年 第1問(英文和訳)

/ 10月 11, 2020/ 英文和訳, not only but also, 京大過去問, the more, 難易度★★★/ 2 comments

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There are historians and others who would like to make a neat division between “historical facts” and “values.” (1)The trouble is that values even enter into deciding what count as facts — there is a big leap involved in moving from “raw data” to a judgement of fact. More important, one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is, and the more important the issues it raises for today, the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division. But this by no means implies that there has simply to be a conflict of prejudices and biases, as the data are manipulated to suit one worldview or another. What it does mean is that the self of the historian is an important factor. The historian is shaped by experiences, contexts, norms, values, and beliefs. When dealing with history, especially the sort of history that is of most significance in philosophy, that shaping is bound to be relevant. As far as possible it needs to be articulated and open to discussion.
The best historians are well aware of this. They are alert to many dimensions of bias and to the endless (and therefore endlessly discussable) significance of their own horizons and presuppositions. A great deal can of course be learned from those who do not share our presuppositions. Our capacity to make wise, well-supported judgements in matters of historical fact and significance can only be formed over years of discussion with others, many of whom have very different horizons from our own. (2)It is possible to have a 12-year-old chess champion or mathematical or musical genius, but it is unimaginable that the world’s greatest expert on Socrates could be that age. The difficulty is not just one of the time to assimilate information; it is also the time to mature judgement and come to decisions which only ring true after complex studies and discussions with others and with oneself.




  • the trouble is that~ 困ったことには〜
  • raw 生の、未処理の
  • the self 自我、自己
  • of significance→(形容詞化して)significant
  • articulate 自分の考えをはっきり説明する、明確に述べる
  • dimension 側面、面
  • horizon 視野、展望
  • presupposition 推定、仮定
  • in matters of~ 〜に関して
  • assimilate (知識などを)自分のものにする、真に理解する
  • ring 〜のように聞こえる


  • 下線部(1)について。『the trouble is that~』→『困ったことには〜』。『the more A, the more B』は『Aであればあるほど、ますますB』という有名な構文だが、その前半の部分が2つある形。つまり『the more A, and the more B, the less C』→『Aであればあるほど、またBであればあるほど、ますますCでない』。ちなみに文頭のmoreはこの構文に関係なく、more importantで独立して『より重要なことに』という意味を表す。また『the more A, the more B』の構文中においては、moreの直後にmoreに導かれる形容詞が配置されるために、A,Bの各節に倒置が起きているということに注意。Aの部分の元の形はthe history is more complex and multi-levelled、Bの部分の元の形はit raises more important issues for today。Cの部分の元の形はit is less possible to sustain a fact-value division。oneは漠然と人を表す総称で、findは『〜と分かる』という意味なので、『one finds that~』→『人は〜というように分かる』であるが、特に訳に含めなくてもよい。
  • 下線部(2)について。前文の『正しい歴史的な判断ができるようには、他人と長年議論を交わす必要がある』という流れを受けて、下線部(2)では『若くて偉大な歴史家はありえない』という主張。第一段落の最後にあったように、ソクラテスは明らかに哲学的に重要な人物なので、特に研究する側の歴史家の思想形成が重要になる。『not only A but also B』の変形として、『not just A also B』という形が見られる。assimilate『同化する、知識を真に理解する』やring『〜のように聞こえる』を知らないと、かなり訳しにくく、構造も見にくくなるかもしれない。

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  1. 時間がかかる と訳すのはどうしてですか

  2. this by no means implies that there has simply to be a conflict of prejudices and biases, as the data are manipulated to suit one worldview or another.は、本来、… biases (just) because the data…とするべきではないでしょうか。
    また、the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division.は、the less possible it is to sustain a fact-value division.が文法的に正しいのではないでしょうか。整序問題だったらバツになる気がします。

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