京大過去問 1990年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 8月 14, 2020/ 時制, 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★, 否定/ 0 comments

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Looking round in a commuter train in London, I realized with a shock that, although I had been living in the United States for over three years, I could none the less make a shrewd guess at the circumstances of most of my fellow travelers — their education, their income, their prejudices, their place in the pecking order, even perhaps where they took their holidays. (1)It was not something I had been able to do in the States — neither, several friends told me later, could Americans — and I had grown accustomed to being among people less easy to read. George Orwell, in his study of The English People written after the Second World War, had reached a similar conclusion: ‘The great majority of the people can still be “placed” in an instant by their manners, clothes and general appearance.’ (2)The reminder that so little had changed was both comforting and alarming. I had been stimulated by living in an unpredictable and — by me at least — still largely unexplored society, but I had missed deeply the sense of belonging, of being among familiar, small-scale landscapes and buildings, of being with people whose outlook had been shaped by the same influences as mine had been, and of being wrapped in history and traditions that stretched in the mind’s eye back almost to the beginning of recorded time. I had, I confess, briefly considered staying in the States and seeking a further job there, but it had been a whim rather than a serious exploration of the idea. The United States had been an adventure, but Britain was home.




  • whim
  • shrewd
  • pecking order

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