京大過去問 1986年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 6月 29, 2020/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 語感, than, that/ 0 comments

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(1)At the crack of a bat, an experienced outfielder* will make a nearly instantaneous estimate of the total path of the baseball, allowing for air resistance, the direction and strength of the wind, and who knows what else. He will therefore turn and race to a particular spot in the field and snatch the ball out of the air. I don’t know how he does it, and he doesn’t either. He just does it.
Almost any human being, even those that seem very ordinary, can do something very well without knowing how he or she does it, and all these are human things that, perhaps, no robot will ever do. As a matter of showmanship we might eventually succeed in programming a robot to do something human in a simple way — but why bother when any human being can do it so much better?
No, if our technology is to bring about superhuman beings, it may well be out of ourselves that it will arise. With newfound techniques of genetic engineering**, we may well learn how to improve our brain and increase its efficiency, while we are also learning to increase the capabilities of robots.
(2)The result will be that robots and human beings will continue to advance along parallel paths, with each doing in ever better fashion that which each is fitted to do. With our widely different talents, there will always be room for both human beings and robots. As cooperating allies rather than as competing foes, we can achieve an ever greater understanding of the behavior of the universe and of the wise use of its laws, and do far more together than either could possibly manage alone.
*outfielder 外野手、**genetic engineering 遺伝子工学


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