センター本試験 2010年度 第6問 単語
【問題】 下線部の単語について、文中での意味を答えなさい。ただし動詞については、原形の意味を答えなさい。
(1) Today, we believe that (1)essential (2)aspects of (3)character are formed in childhood and (4)adolescence. We understand the young have different needs and experience the world (5)differently from adults. We can even see that adults themselves have been (6)influenced by a modern (7)emphasis on (8)youth. However, (9)historically this wasn’t always so. The development of modern (10)industrial societies has (11)brought about a (12)fundamental change in ideas about childhood and youth.
(2) As the historian Philippe Ariès has (13)pointed out, modern (14)attitudes towards childhood and youth (15)stand in contrast to views of the young in (16)earlier periods. Ariès has (17)noted that many Europeans in (18)the Middle Ages did not know when they were born or how old they actually were. The idea that one becomes an “adult” when one (19)turns a certain age (for example, on one’s twentieth birthday) did not (20)exist. (21)Thus, the difference between childhood and adulthood was not clear, and children were often (22)treated in the same way as adults. In (23)medieval France, few children went to school and six-year-olds worked in the (24)fields (25)alongside their (26)elders. Ariès even suggests that the concept of childhood itself did not exist in the Middle Ages.
(3) How did modern (27)perceptions of childhood and youth develop? One important factor was the growth of trade and the rise of (28)merchant cities, as happened in (29)Renaissance Italy. The importance of (30)providing the young with the skills necessary for trade was (31)recognized by cities like (32)Venice and (33)Florence, which (34)set up schools to teach reading, writing, and mathematics. As European (35)nation-states (36)emerged in the seventeenth century, the need for government (37)officials ― (38)tax collectors, (39)record keepers, and (40)administrators ー (41)expanded. In France under Louis ⅩⅣ, for example, (42)increasing numbers of young people studied in the many (43)academies created to (44)meet this demand. The trend towards more education continued into the eighteenth century. By the late eighteenth century most children were going to school and spending more time (45)apart from adults.
(4) The increasing numbers of students receiving education (46)brought about another important change of attitude. Eighteenth-century thinkers like (47)Jean-Jacques-Rousseau believed children should be (48)allowed to develop (49)according to their (50)individual (51)abilities and not be overly (52)disciplined. (53)Followers of Rousseau, like Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, (54)stressed the need for play if children were to grow into healthy adults. This emphasis on the needs of children led (55)in turn to (56)further changes. By the middle of the nineteenth century, industrial societies began (57)passing laws to end (58)child lobor.
(5) A final factor has been the rise of “(59)youth culture.” The development of new technologies in the twentieth century meant a need for greater skills and rapid growth of (60)secondary and higher education. By 1930, a majority of teenagers in America were (61)enrolled in high school;by 1960, more than forty percent of American high school (62)graduates were going on to university. As the time between childhood and adulthood became longer, (63)psychologists (64)emphasized the importance of “adolescence”, a period when individuals are most open to the world and make (65)crucial decisions about their futures. But as the young spent more time with their (66)peers, youth developed a culture ー music, fashion, even language ー (67)independent of adult society.
(6) (68)Present-day ideas about childhood and youth have (69)undoubtedly had an effect on adults. Movies, television, and music are increasingly (70)aimed at the young and have influenced society (71)as a whole. Many adults (72)imitate the young. They wear (73)clothing ー jeans and T-shirts ー (74)associated with youth, and try to keep their youthful looks.
(7) Adults have become like adolescents (75)in another way. While technological change creates new products and jobs, this process also means that skills which adults have learned may become (76)out of date. Adults can find themselves in the same position as adolescents: they must be (77)ready to make decisions about their futures, learn new skills or start new jobs. Attitudes associated with adolescence, such as a (78)willingness to (79)explore new (80)options, are increasingly common among adults.
- essential 〔形容詞〕本質的な、きわめて重要な
- aspect 〔名詞〕面
- character 〔名詞〕性格、人格
- adolescence 〔名詞〕青春期(12~18歳くらい)
- differently (from~) 〔副詞〕~とは違って、~とは違った風に
- influence 〔動詞〕影響を与える、(be influenced:影響を受ける)
- emphasis 〔名詞〕強調、重視
- youth 〔名詞〕若さ、青年期
- historically 〔副詞〕歴史的には
- industrial society 〔熟語〕工業社会
- bring about 〔熟語〕もたらす
- fundamental 〔形容詞〕基本的な、重要な
- point out 〔熟語〕指摘する
- attitude 〔名詞〕態度、姿勢、考え方
- stand in contrast to~ 〔熟語〕~と対照をなす
- earlier period 〔熟語〕以前の時代
- note 〔動詞〕述べる
- the Middle Ages 〔熟語〕中世
- turn a certain age 〔熟語〕ある年齢になる(certain:ある、特定の)
- exist 〔動詞〕存在する
- Thus 〔副詞〕こうして、結果として
- treat 〔動詞〕扱う
- medieval 〔形容詞〕中世の
- field 〔名詞〕野原、田畑
- alongside~ 〔前置詞〕~と一緒に、~と並んで
- elder 〔名詞〕年長者
- perception 〔名詞〕認識、理解
- merchant 〔形容詞〕商人の、商業の
- Renaissance 〔名詞〕ルネッサンス(世界史や地理の用語に関しても常識の範囲は英語で理解できるようにすること)
- provide (A with B) 〔動詞〕(AにBを)提供する
- recognize 〔動詞〕認識する、認める
- Venice 〔名詞〕ヴェニス、ヴェネチア(Venice「ヴェニス」は英語での読み方、イタリア語ではVenezia「ヴェネチア」)
- Florence 〔名詞〕フローレンス、フィレンツェ(Florence「フローレンス」は英語、イタリア語ではFirenze「フィレンツェ」)
- set up 〔熟語〕設立する
- nation-state 〔名詞〕国民国家(ヨーロッパの近代化に伴って生まれた概念で、アイデンティティを共有する同質な国民を持つ国家のこと)
- emerge 〔動詞〕出現する
- official 〔名詞〕役人、公務員
- tax collector 〔熟語〕徴税官
- record keeper 〔熟語〕記録係
- administrator 〔名詞〕行政官、管理者
- expand 〔動詞〕拡大する、広がる
- increasing number of~ 〔熟語〕ますます増加する~
- academy 〔名詞〕学院(西欧で学問の中心となる団体)
- meet demand 〔熟語〕需要に応える
- apart from~ 〔熟語〕〜と離れて
- bring about~ 〔熟語〕〜をもたらす
- Jean-Jacques-Rousseau 〔名詞〕ジャン・ジャック・ルソー(フランスの思想家、『自然状態』『人民主権』『社会契約』あたりは常識として理解しておくこと。ルソーは自然状態を良いものと捉えたので、子供の自発性を重視して、社会の悪から子供を守ることを主張した。)
- allow 〔動詞〕許す、許可する
- according to~ 〔熟語〕〜に従って
- individual 〔形容詞〕個人の、それぞれの
- ability 〔名詞〕能力
- discipline 〔動詞〕躾ける、訓練する、罰する
- follower 〔名詞〕後継者、思想に共感する人、追随者
- stress 〔動詞〕強調する
- in turn 〔熟語〕今度は、次に(『順番に』という意味にも注意)
- further 〔形容詞〕さらなる、それ以上の
- pass law 〔熟語〕法案を通す、法律を成立させる
- child labor 〔熟語〕児童労働
- youth culture 〔熟語〕若者文化
- secondary education, higher education 〔熟語〕中等教育、高等教育
- enroll 〔動詞〕入学させる(be enrolledで入学する)
- graduate 〔名詞〕卒業生
- psychologist 〔名詞〕心理学者
- emphasize 〔動詞〕強調する
- crucial 〔形容詞〕極めて重要な、決定的な
- peer 〔名詞〕同輩、(年齢・地位などが)同等の人
- independent (of~) 〔形容詞〕〜とは独立して、〜の影響を受けない
- present-day 〔形容詞〕現代の、現在の
- undoubtedly 〔副詞〕疑いなく
- aim at~ 〔熟語〕〜に向けている、〜を狙う(be aimed at〜:〜に向けられている)
- as a whole 〔熟語〕全体として
- imitate 〔動詞〕真似る
- clothing 〔名詞〕(集合的に)衣服
- associated with~ 〔熟語〕〜と関連している(associate:関連付ける、結び付ける)
- in another way 〔熟語〕別の方法で、別の点で
- out of date 〔熟語〕時代遅れである
- ready to~ 〔熟語〕〜する準備ができている
- willingness (to~) 〔名詞〕喜んで〜すること
- explore 〔動詞〕探る、検討する
- option 〔名詞〕選択肢
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