東大過去問 1981年 第1問(要約)
There are not many places where one can feel with complete assurance that this is exactly as the first inhabitants saw it in “the freshness of the early world.” Not much of England, even in its more remote places, has escaped being altered by man in some subtle way or other, however untouched we may fancy it is at first sight. Sherwood Forest and Wicken Fen are not quite what they seem. The historian, trying to enter into the minds of the first men to behold a virgin landscape, trying to imagine precisely what they saw and no more, is aware of some of the difficulties of his task, if not all. One needs to be a botanist, a geographer, and a naturalist, as well as a historian, to be able to feel certain that one has all the facts right before allowing the imagination to play over the small details of a scene. We must be extremely careful not to clothe the landscape with the wrong kinds of trees, or allow in it plants and birds that are really only the product of some recent changes, or fail to observe that the river has changed its course well within historic times. We may have to make all sorts of allowance — subtracting here and adding there — before the natural landscape, still untouched by man, is recovered in all its purity and freshness.
- with complete assurance
- the first inhabitants
- remote place
- escape being altered
- in some subtle way
- fancy
- at first sight
- what they seem
- historian
- behold
- virgin landscape
- precisely
- if not all
- botanist
- geographer
- naturalist
- as well as
- feel certain
- extremely
- clothe
- well within historic times
- make all sorts of allowance
- subtract
- purity
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