京大過去問 1991年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 8月 14, 2020/ until, 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★★★, 語感, 構造が見えにくい/ 0 comments

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 Not long ago, I received in the mail a questionnaire, I cannot now precisely remember from whom: a graduate student somewhere, working on a thesis. The inquiry concerned what the researcher was calling “impure forms” of literature — which included, as I recall, any form of writing not falling comfortably within the bounds of established genre. (1)I read through this document quickly and without much attention until I reached the question which asked whether or not I approved of such “impure forms,” whether I thought writing of that kind constituted legitimate literature. Once I got beyond simple surprise that anyone would ask such a question, I found myself thinking, predictably enough, about an animal familiar from my childhood on a Mississippi farm, and wondering whether it ever occurred to anyone to approve or disapprove of mules. Immediately I knew the answer was yes, and I thought of the first line of the poem “Mule”: “Here is this horse from a bad family…”; (2)I thought, too, of the images of the mule as it appears throughout a well-known American novelist’s work, how he associates the beast always with the poor and makes of it a symbol of patient intelligence and stubbornness in the face of suffering. Suddenly I understood that, in confronting this issue of impure forms, I was in the presence of politics.





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