東大過去問 2022年 第1問A(要約)

/ 3月 8, 2022/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 難易度★★, 過去問/ 0 comments



Table manners are as old as human society itself, the reason being that no human society can exist without them. The active sharing of food — not consuming all the food we find on the spot, but carrying some back home and then giving it out systematically — is believed, even nowadays, to lie at the root of what makes us different from animals. Birds, dogs, and hyenas carry home food for their young until they are ready to find for themselves, and chimpanzees may even demand and receive pieces of meat from other adults in their group. (Chimpanzees apparently exhibit this behaviour only on the occasions when they consume meat; their main, vegetable diet they almost invariably eat where they find it, without sharing.) Only people actively, regularly, and continuously work on the distribution of their food.
This activity is based on and probably helped give rise to many basic human characteristics, such as family and community (who belongs with whom; which people eat together), language (for discussing food past, present, and future, for planning the acquisition of food, and deciding how to divide it while preventing fights), technology (how to kill, cut, keep, and carry), and morality (what is a fair portion?). The basic need of our stomachs for food continues to supply a good deal of the driving force behind all of human enterprise: we have to hunt for food, fight for it, find it, or sow it and wait for it to be ready; we then have to transport it, and distribute it before it goes rotten. It is in addition easier for us to consume food chopped, ground, cooked, or left to soften. Civilization itself cannot begin until a food supply is assured. And where food is concerned we can never stop; appetite keeps us at it.
The active sharing out of what we are going to eat is only the beginning. We cannot help being choosy about our food: preference enters into every mouthful we consume. We play with food, show off with it, hon our and despise it. The main rules about eating are simple: if you do not eat you die; and no matter how large your dinner, you will soon be hungry again. Precisely because we must both eat and keep on eating, human beings have poured enormous effort into making food more than itself, so that it bears multiple meanings beyond its primary purpose of physical nutrition.






  • on the spot → 即座に
  • A lie at the root of B → AはBの根底にある、AはBの基礎となっている
  • give out → 配る、配布する
  • systematically → 体系的に、計画的に、組織的に
  • hyena → ハイエナ
  • apparently → (自分が直接確認していない情報を伝える時に)どうも〜らしい、外見上は
  • occasion → 機会、場合
  • consume → 飲み食いする、消費する、この文では『食べる』という意味。
  • invariably → いつも(=always)、きまって
  • continuously → 絶え間なく、連続して
  • work on A → Aに取り組む
  • acquisition → 獲得
  • morality → 道徳、倫理、道徳律
  • portion → 一人前の食べ物の量、分け前
  • a good deal of A → 多量のA
  • driving force → 原動力、推進力
  • enterprise → (困難な)仕事、企て、冒険心
  • sow → 種をまく
  • be ready → この文では『まいた種が育ち食べられる状態になる』ということ。
  • distribute → 分配する
  • rotten → 腐った
  • chop → 叩き切る
  • ground → grind『(穀物などを)挽く』の過去形・過去分詞形、名詞のground『地面』とは別の単語なので注意。
  • civilization → 文明
  • assure → 保証する
  • where A is concerned → (=as far as A is concerned)Aに関する限り
  • A keep B at C → AがBにC(という退屈な仕事を)やらせ続ける
  • appetite → 食欲
  • choosy → 選り好みする、好みがうるさい
  • cannot help doing → 〜せずにいられない
  • mouthful → 一口の量
  • A enter into B → AがBに入ってくる、AがBの対象となる
  • show off → 見せびらかす
  • honour → 敬意を表する、光栄に思う
  • despise → 軽蔑する
  • precisely because~ → まさに〜が原因で
  • pour → 注ぐ、投資する
  • ,so that~ → (通例カンマの後で)その結果〜
  • bear → (動詞)担う、有する
  • multiple → 多様な
  • primary → 主要な、最初の、本来の
  • physical → 肉体の、物質的な、物理的な


  • 文章のテーマが『食べ物の分配』であることは明らかで、大きくポイントのずれた要約を書く生徒は少ないと思われる。英文自体も難しくないので、点差が付きにくい問題。
  • 要約の方針としては、各段落に書かれていることをまとめて解答に集約するだけだが、字数が厳しいので書く順序を工夫し調整しないと上手く収まらない。その調整過程で言い過ぎる部分や矛盾が出ないように注意が必要。また要素を詰め込みすぎると意味が分かりにくくなりがちなので、一読して言いたいことが伝わる文になっているかどうか確認するとよい。
  • なお要約では第1段落に書かれていることにとらわれる生徒が多いが、この問題では第1段落の内容が薄いので、字数を割きすぎないように注意が必要。
第1段落 Table manners are as old as human society itself, the reason being that no human society can exist without them. The active sharing of food — not consuming all the food we find on the spot, but carrying some back home and then giving it out systematically — is believed, even nowadays, to lie at the root of what makes us different from animals. Birds, dogs, and hyenas carry home food for their young until they are ready to find for themselves, and chimpanzees may even demand and receive pieces of meat from other adults in their group. (Chimpanzees apparently exhibit this behaviour only on the occasions when they consume meat; their main, vegetable diet they almost invariably eat where they find it, without sharing.) Only people actively, regularly, and continuously work on the distribution of their food.



第2段落 This activity is based on and probably helped give rise to many basic human characteristics, such as family and community (who belongs with whom; which people eat together), language (for discussing food past, present, and future, for planning the acquisition of food, and deciding how to divide it while preventing fights), technology (how to kill, cut, keep, and carry), and morality (what is a fair portion?). The basic need of our stomachs for food continues to supply a good deal of the driving force behind all of human enterprise: we have to hunt for food, fight for it, find it, or sow it and wait for it to be ready; we then have to transport it, and distribute it before it goes rotten. It is in addition easier for us to consume food chopped, ground, cooked, or left to soften. Civilization itself cannot begin until a food supply is assured. And where food is concerned we can never stop; appetite keeps us at it.



第3段落 The active sharing out of what we are going to eat is only the beginning. We cannot help being choosy about our food: preference enters into every mouthful we consume. We play with food, show off with it, hon our and despise it. The main rules about eating are simple: if you do not eat you die; and no matter how large your dinner, you will soon be hungry again. Precisely because we must both eat and keep on eating, human beings have poured enormous effort into making food more than itself, so that it bears multiple meanings beyond its primary purpose of physical nutrition.


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