東大過去問 2020年 第4問(和訳)
以下の英文を読み、下線部①、②、③を和訳せよ。下線部②を訳す際には、”that same pool”が何を指しているかを明らかにせよ。
The social psychologist and writer Daniel Gilbert suggests that human being are “works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.” And he claims, “then person you are right now doesn’t remain as it is. It is as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been. The one constant in our lives is change.” ①Time is a powerful force, he says, and one that perpetually revises our values, personalities, and preferences in everything from music and the places we would like to go to friendship.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh, who conducted the longest-ever study of the stability of human character, have come to a similar conclusion, finding that those qualities that seem to mark us as teenagers could be almost gone in our later lives. Characteristics might appear stable over short periods of time but change over decades. The researchers used data taken from a part of the 1947 Scottish Mental Survey, which tracked development in a pool of 70,805 children. They used a smaller sample of 1,208 fourteen-year-olds to study personality stability in the kids as they went from being adolescents to adults. The survey had identified six particular characteristics: self-confidence, determination, mood stability, sincerity, originality, and the desire to learn. ②In 2012, an attempt was made to track down that same pool of participants and, of those found, 174 agreed to take part in the continued research. They were asked to rate themselves on these same six characteristics and the degree to which they remained dominant factors in their behavior; family members, partners, and friends close to the participants were also asked to assess the continued presence of the earlier characteristics. The results determined that ③while some of these characteristics remained steady over shorter periods of the participants’ lives, most of them, with the exception of mood stability, had changed markedly, sometimes vanishing entirely.
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