東大過去問 2015年 第5問(総合)

/ 4月 15, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問/ 2 comments




Rebecca was getting ready to start her bookstore, making a business plan, applying for loan. “A bookstore?” Harriet, her mother, said. “With your education you want to start a store, and one that doesn’t even have a hope of making money? What is your life adding up to?”
Rebecca was hurt, furious . They had one of their old fights, made worse by the fact that Rebecca hadn’t realized these old fights were still possible. The recent long peace since the beginning of Harriet’s illness had given a false sense of safety. She felt deceived.
Then Harriet sent Rebecca a check, for quite a lot of money. To help with the bookstore, she wrote on the card.
“You can’t ( 27 ) this,” Rebecca said.
“It’s what I want to do,” Harriet said.
Then she got sick again.
Pneumonia* ― not life-threatening, but it took a long time to get over. Rebecca drove down and made Harriet chicken soup and vanilla custard, and lay across the foot of Harriet’s bed.
So this has been going on for years and years. Harriet getting sick and recovering. Rebecca showing up and withdrawing. Living her life between interruptions.
Rebecca is tired. Harriet has been sick on and off for more than a decade. Rebecca has just driven four hours from Boston to get to the Connecticut nursing home where Harriet now lives. She is taking two days off from the small bookstore she ( 28 ), paying her part-time assistant extra to cover for her. She’s brought a shopping bag full of things Harriet likes. She has walked into the room, and Harriet has barely looked away from the TV to say hello. Rebecca pulls over a chair and sits facing her mother. Harriet is in a wheelchair, paralyzed again ― it has happened before; she has some rare back disease, but this time the doctor says it is permanent.
Rebecca feels guilty about not coming down to see her mother more often. Harriet is always mentioning something she needs ― lavender bath powder, or socks, or a blanket to put over her legs when they wheel her outside. Rebecca mails what she can, sometimes ( 29 ) by but at other times annoyed by the many requests.
The last time Rebecca visited, on the day Harriet moved to the nursing home, the nurse put an enormous plastic napkin on Harriet’s front before bringing in her dinner tray. Harriet allowed it, looking at Rebecca with a king of stunned sadness; of all the insults received on that day, this was the one that undid her. “She doesn’t need that,” Rebecca told the nurse.
“We do it for everybody.”
“Right, but my mother doesn’t need it.”
(A)So that was one small battle that Rebecca was there to win for Harriet. Without Rebecca, Harriet could have won it just fine for herself. Both of them knew this ― and yet, between them, love has always had to be proved. It is there; and it gets proved, over and over. Some of their worst fights, confusingly, seem to both prove and disprove it: two people who didn’t love each other couldn’t fight like that ― (B)certainly not repeatedly.
Nearly fifteen years ago, Harriet seemed to be dying. She had stage four colon cancer.** Rebecca believed that her mother was dying, and for the first time, she began to feel close to her. She sometimes lay in bed at night and cried, alone, or with Peter Bigelow, who taught architectural history at Harvard. He held her and listened while she talked about how hard it was to be ( 30 ) her mother and yet losing her at the same time.
Incredibly, Harriet didn’t die. The operation was successful, and she kept having more surgeries. Rebecca kept driving down and spending time with her mother. But she couldn’t keep it up; the attention, the sympathy, the friendship, the aimless joy of just hanging around with her mother, watching the TV news. She had burned herself out.
Harriet started feeling that Rebecca wasn’t visiting often enough. It was true, she was coming down less often. But oh, that “enough.” That tricky guilty-sounding word that doesn’t even need to be spoken between a mother and daughter because both of them can see it lying there between them, injured and complaining, (31)a big violent-colored wound.
Peter asked Rebecca how she would feel about getting married. That was how he did it: not a proposal, but an introduction of a topic for discussion. She said she wasn’t sure. The truth was that when he said it, she got a cold, sick feeling in her stomach. This lovely, good, thoughtful man: what was the matter with her? She was nervous, and also irritated that he seemed so calm about the whole thing, that he wasn’t desperate for her, that he wasn’t knocking her over with forceful demands that she belong to him. On the other hand, she wasn’t knocking him over either.
Then his book was finished and published. He brought over a copy one night, and she had a bottle of champagne waiting. “Peter, I’m so happy for you,” and she kissed him. She turned the pages, and her own name jumped out at her: “…and to Rebecca Hunt, who has given me so many pleasant hours.”
It was understatement, wasn’t it? The kind of understatement that can exist between two people who understand each other? What did she want, a dedication that said, “For Rebecca, whom I love with all my heart and would die for”?
Here was something she suddenly saw and disliked in herself, something she might have inherited from Harriet: a raw belief that love had to be declared and proved ― intensely, loudly, explicitly.
注) pneumonia*:肺炎、 colon cancer**:結腸ガン



(A) 下線部(A)を、指示代名詞thatの内容を明らかにして和訳せよ。

(B) 下線部(B)を、省略されている部分を補って和訳せよ。

(C) 以下の問いに答え、解答の記号をマークシートにマークせよ。

問 空所(27)〜(30)には単語が一つずつ入る。それぞれに文脈上最も適切な語を次のうちから一つずつ選び、マークシートの(27)〜(30)にその記号をマークせよ。ただし、動詞の原形で示してあるので、空所に入れる際に形を変える必要があるものもある。また、同じ記号を複数回用いてはならない。

(a) afford
(b) anticipate
(c) complain
(d) find
(e) own
(f) participate
(g) prevent
(h) talk
(i) touch
(j) walk

問 下線部(31)で、a big violent-woundと呼ばれているものは何か。最も適切なものを次のうちから一つ選び、マークシートの(31)にその記号をマークせよ。

(a) Harriet’s illness.
(b) The nurse’s insult.
(c) Rebecca’s tiredness.
(d) The word “enough.”
(e) Peter’s unenthusiastic proposal.

問 本文の最後でRebeccaはどのような認識に至ったか。正しいものを一つ選び、マークシートの(32)にその記号をマークせよ。

(a) She is more like Peter than she thought.
(b) She is more like Harriet than she thought.
(c) She doesn’t really like her mother, Harriet.
(d) She doesn’t really like her boyfriend, Peter.
(e) She doesn’t really have the capacity to love.

問 本文の内容と合致しないものはどれか。一つ選び、マークシートの(33)にその記号をマークせよ。

(a) Harriet didn’t want Rebecca to run a bookstore, which she thought would be unprofitable.
(b) Rebecca was angry when she found that the nurse was treating her mother as if she were a baby.
(c) Rebecca was so happy about the publication of Peter’s book that she kissed him, grateful to him for mentioning her in it.
(d) Relations between Rebecca and her mother improved when the latter was hospitalized for a serious illness about fifteen years ago.
(e) Although Peter is a fine man that Rebecca should be happy to marry, she felt irritated when he didn’t declare his love to her strongly enough.





(A) このように食事の際に大きなビニールのナプキンを付けられることを拒否する事は、レベッカがその場に居合わせてハリエットのために勝利した小さなバトルの一つだったのだ。レベッカがいなくても、ハリエットは一人で立派にそれに勝利しただろうが。
(B) 愛しあっていない二人の人間であれば、あのように繰り返し喧嘩することができないことは確かだ。
(C) (27) (a)
(28) (e)
(29) (i)
(30) (d)
(31) (d)
(32) (b)
(33) (c)
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  1. (28)の前にsheが抜けています。

    1. ご指摘ありがとうございます。


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