東大過去問 2011年 第1問(要約)
Familiarity with basic science is more important than ever, but conventional introductory courses in science do not always provide the necessary understanding. Though knowledge itself increasingly ignores boundaries between fields, professors are apt to organize their teaching around the methods and history of their academic subject rather than some topic in the world. Science courses should instead be organized around content rather than academic field: the physical universe, rather than physics or astronomy or chemistry, and living things rather than biology.
Psychology has shown that the mind best understands facts when they are woven together into a conceptual fabric, such as a story, a mental map, or a theory. Facts which are not connected together in the mind are like unlinked pages on the Web: they might as well not exist. Science has to be taught in a way that knowledge is organized, one hopes permanently, in the minds of students.
One possibility is to use time as a framework for organizing teaching. The big bang which started the universe marks the origin of the subject matter of physics; the formation of the solar system and the earth was the beginning of earth sciences such as geology; biology came into being with the emergence of life. And if we begin to teach in this way, a science curriculum organized in terms of time could naturally lead into teaching world history and the history of civilizations and ideas, thus potentially unifying an entire general education curriculum.
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