東大過去問 2010年 第4問(和訳)

/ 2月 6, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments




Stars are made for profit. In terms of the market, stars are part of the way films are sold. The star’s presence in a film is a promise of what you will see if you go to see the film. In the same way, stars sell newspapers and magazines, and are used to sell food, fashions, cars and almost anything else.
This market function of stars is only one aspect of their economic importance. They are also property on the strength of whose name money can be raised to make a film; they are an asset to the stars themselves, to the studios and agents who control them; they are a major part of the cost of a film. Above all, they are part of the labour that produces films as commercial products that can be sold for profit on the market.
Stars are involved in making themselves into commercial products; they are both labour and the thing that labour produces. They do not produce themselves alone. The person is a body, a psychology, a set of skills that have to be worked up into a star image. This work of making the star out of the raw material of the person depends on how much the essential qualities of that material are respected; make-up, hairstyle, clothing, dieting, and bodybuilding can make use of the original body features to a variety of degrees, skills can be learned, and even personality can be changed. The people who do this labour include the stars themselves as well as make-up artists, hairdressers, dress designers, dieticians, personal trainers, acting, dancing, and other teachers, photographers, gossip columnists, and so on.
*From Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society by Richard Dyer, Routledge






スターは利益の為に作り出される。 市場の観点から言えば、スターは映画を売る為の手段である。映画にスターが出演する事で、その映画に行った時に見るものが、約束されているのである。同様に、スターは新聞や雑誌の販売を促進し、食べ物や衣服や車、その他ほとんど全てのものを売る為に利用される。


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