東大過去問 2008年 第4問(和訳)

/ 2月 4, 2020/ 第4問(和訳), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments




There is no arguing that we are currently undergoing a profound change in our approach to communication. The two most obvious symbols of that change are the mobile phone and e-mail. Looking at the impact of the emergence of these communication tools on our social landscape, the change occurring in telephonic communication may seem the greater of the two because it is so obvious, on the street, in the elevator, in the restaurant. But this is only a technological change. A phone without wires, so small that it fits in a pocket, containing such miracles of technology that one can call home from the back seat of a London taxi without thinking twice, is still just a phone.
In contrast, the shift in the nature of mail is by far the more profound, and its implication are nothing less than revolutionary. E-mail is, apparently, merely letter writing by a different means. Looking at it more closely, however, we find that this new medium of communication is bringing about significant changes in the nature of human contact as well as in our ability to process information. The apparent simplicity of its use may lead us to think that we know everything that we need to know about it, but in fact e-mail has overtaken us without our really understanding what it is.








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