東大過去問 2006年 第5問(総合)

/ 5月 13, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問/ 0 comments



A few months ago, as I was walking down the street in New York, I saw, at a distance, a man I knew very well heading in my direction. The trouble was that I couldn’t remember his name or where I had met him. This is one of those feelings you have especially when, in a foreign city, you run into someone you met back home or the other way around. A face out of ( 1a ) creates confusion. Still, that face was so familiar that, I felt, I should certainly stop, greet and talk to him; perhaps he would immediately respond, “My dear Umberto, how are you?” or even “Were you able to do that thing you were telling me about?” And I would be at a total loss. It was too late to ( 2 ) him. He was still looking at the opposite side of the street, but now he was beginning to turn his eyes towards me. I might as well make the first move; I would wave and then, from his voice, his first remarks, I would try to guess his identity.
We were now only a few feet from each other, I was just about to break into a big, broad smile, when suddenly I recognized him. It was Anthony Quinn, the famous film star. Naturally, I had never met him in my life, ( 3 ). In a thousandth of a second I was able to check myself, and I walked past him, my eyes staring into ( 1b ).
Afterwards, reflecting on this incident, I realized how totally ( 4 ) it was. Once before, in a restaurant, I had caught sight of Charlton Heston and had felt an impulse to say hello. These faces live in our memory; watching the screen, we spend so many hours with them that they are as familiar to us as our relatives’, even more (5)so. You can be a student of mass communication, discuss the effects of reality, or the confusion between the real and the imagined, and explain the way some people fall permanently into this confusion ー but still you cannot escape the same confusion yourself.
My problems with film stars were all in my head, of course. (6)But there is worse.
I have been told stories by people who, appearing fairly frequently on TV, have been involved with the mass media over a certain period of time. I’m not talking about the most famous media stars, but public figures, and experts who have participated in talk shows often enough to become recognizable. All of them complain of the same unpleasant experience. Now, ( 7 ), when we see someone we don’t know personally, we don’t stare into his or her face at length, we don’t point out the person to the friend at our side, we don’t speak of this person in a loud voice when he or she can hear us. Such behavior would be impolite, even offensive, ( 8 ). But the same people who would never point to a customer at a counter and remark to a friend that the man is wearing a smart tie behave quite differently with famous faces.
My own relatively famous friends insist that, at a newsstand, in a bookstore, as they are getting on a train or entering a restaurant toilet, they run into others who, among themselves, say aloud.
“Look, there’s X”
”Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. It’s X, I tell you.”
And they continue their conversation happily, (9)While X hears them, and they don’t care if he hears them: it’s (10a)as if he didn’t exist.
Such people are confused by the ( 1c ) that a character in the mass media’s imaginary world should unexpectedly enter real life, but at the same time they behave in the presence of the real person as if he still belonged to the world of images, as if he were on a screen, or in a weekly picture magazine. (10b)As if they were speaking in his ( 10 ).
I might as well have taken hold of Anthony Quinn by the arm, dragged him to a telephone box, and called a friend to say.
“Guess what! I’m with Anthony Quinn. And you know something? He seems real!” (11)After which I would throw Quinn aside and go on about my business.
The mass media first convinced us that the ( 12a ) was ( 12b ), and now they are convincing us that the ( 12b ) is ( 12a ); and the more reality the TV screen shows us, the more movie-like our everyday world becomes ー until, as certain philosophers have insisted, we think that we are alone in the world, and that everything else is the film that God or some evil spirit is projecting before our eyes.



ア context
イ fact
ウ identity
エ sound
オ space


ア catch up with
イ get away from
ウ take advantage of
エ make friends with


ア nor he me
イ nor did he
ウ neither did I
エ neither had I


ア foreign
イ lucky
ウ normal
エ useless




ア as a rule
イ for all that
ウ as is the case
エ for better or worse


ア if carried too far
イ if noticed too soon
ウ if taken too seriously
エ if made too frequently


ア I wonder if they’ve taken me for somebody else.
イ I can’t believe they’re talking like that in front of me!
ウ I’m curious to know what they’re going to say about me.
エ I can’t remember their names or where I met them. What can I do?



(12)空所(12a), (12b)を埋めるのに、最も適切な単語の組合せを次のうちから選び、その記号を記せ。

  ア  (a) confusion  (b) real
  イ  (a) real  (b) confusion
  ウ  (a) imaginary  (b) real
  エ  (a) real  (b) imaginary
  オ  (a) confusion  (b) imaginary
  カ  (a) imaginary  (b) confusion




(1) (1a) ア
(1b) オ
(1c) イ
(5) familiar to us than our relatives’ faces
(6) 有名人に出会い、本人の目の前でその人について話すこと。
(10) absence
(11) その後私はクインを解放して、自分のことについて話し始めるだろう。
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