東大過去問 2004年 第1問(要約)
Chess masters can exhibit remarkable memory for the location of chess pieces on a board. After just a single five-second exposure to a board from an actual game, international masters in one study remembered the locations of nearly all twenty-five pieces, whereas beginners could remember the locations of only about four pieces. Moreover, it did not matter whether the masters knew that their memory for the board would be tested later; they performed just as well when they glanced at a board with no intention to remember it. But when the masters were shown a board consisting of randomly arranged pieces that did not represent a meaningful game situation, they could remember no more than the beginners.
Experienced actors, too, have extraordinary memory within their field of specialized knowledge; they can remember lengthy scripts with relative ease, and the explanation for this is much the same as in the case of the chess masters. Recent studies have shown that rather than attempting word-by-word memorization, actors analyze scripts for clues to the motivations and goals of their characters, unconsciously relating the words in them to the whole of their knowledge, built up over many years of experience; memorization is a natural by-product of this process of searching for meaning. As one actor put it, “I don’t really memorize. There’s no effort involved… it just happens. One day early on, I know the lines.” An actor’s attempt to make sense of a script often involves extended technical analyses of the exact words used by a character, which in turn encourages precise recall of what was said, not just the general sense of it.
ベテラン俳優も専門知識の分野において、異常な程の記憶力を見せる。彼らは長ったらしい台本を比較的簡単に覚えるが、これもチェスの達人の場合と同じような説明が可能である。最近の研究によると、俳優は一語一語丸暗記しようとするのではなく、演じる キャラクターの動機と目的につながる手がかりとして台本を分析し、台本中の言葉を、長年の経験によって構築された自分の知識全体に、無意識の間に関連付けているという。記憶は意味を見つける過程の自然な副産物である、というのである。ある俳優が述べたように、「私は暗記してるというわけではない。努力は必要ないんだ。ただ自然に覚えているんだ。ある朝目覚めると、セリフが分かっているんだ。」台本の意味を理解する俳優の試みは、しばしばキャラクターが使う言葉を正確に、より専門的に分析する事につながり、今度はそれがセリフのおおまかな意味だけでなく、正確な記憶の役に立つのである。
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