東大過去問 2002年 第1問(要約)

/ 2月 22, 2020/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



In Japanese television programs, we see a commentator at one side of the small screen and an assistant at the other. The commentator is usually male and middle-aged. The assistant is usually female, young and often pretty. He comments on various topics, and she assists. However, she assists so little that, to our eyes, she might as well not be there at all. She only nods at the camera when he makes his various statements, and says So desu ne when he makes an important point. She never presents an idea of her own. To many Americans watching these two, the situation might seem quite strange indeed. We are certainly used to double commentators, but usually each commentator really comments and both are equals. In this common style of Japanese television, (1)the pretty girl seems absolutely unnecessary. We fail to understand her role. Yet (2)she has a very important one.
A commentator is, by definition, giving his opinion. In the West this is quite enough. In Japan, however, to give an opinion in public is to appear too self-centered, and this is a fault in a society where unity of opinion is an important value. The attractive, nearly silent, young assistant emphasizes this value. Her nods and expressions of agreement indicate that he is not alone in his opinion and that therefore he is not merely self-centered. Rather, he is stating a truth, since at least one person agrees with what he says. At the same time she introduces harmony by indicating that we all agree — after all, it is to us that she is nodding — and the desired unity of opinion has already been reached.

(1) 下線部(1)の理由を5〜15字の日本語で記せ。
(2) 下線部(2)の「重要な役割」とはどのような役割であると述べられているか。日本の文化の特質という観点から40〜50字の日本語で記せ。








(1) 自分の意見を述べないから。(14字)
(2) 男性コメンテーターの意見に頷く事で、それが独善的なものでなく、世間の一致 した考えだと暗示する役割。(49字)

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  1. 自分の意見を言わないから(12字)


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