東大過去問 1990年 第1問(要約)
It is significant that the scenery which the amateur painter finds most attractive as a subject for painting is the scenery most often avoided by the serious professional artist. Very few of the great landscape artists of the past or present have ever chosen to paint naturally dramatic or beautiful subjects. A landscape which is naturally beautiful or otherwise attractive to the human eye leaves the artist with little to do except faithfully copy what he sees before him. This is all very well for the amateur because it means he does not need to compose the picture he paints, rearranging the details of the natural scene. The scenery has already composed itself for him. The serious artists, however, does not want this. He prefers scenery the amateur painter would reject as plain or uninteresting. The professional prefers this type of scenery because of the challenge it offers to his skills as a painter; to see beauty where it is not easy to see, to create order where the natural elements are confused, in short, to make art from nature.
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