東大過去問 1984年 第5問

/ 2月 8, 2019/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問, 難易度★★★★, 過去問/ 0 comments


When a story is told from the heart, it is true communication, natural and straightforward. It becomes living language in which words are inherently bound up with spirit and are more than themselves. The storyteller can convey not only the content of the story and something of herself but can pass on the power of the word to inspire the listener, (A)in turn, to speak from the heart. Thus, an most ancient ritual is protected — human communication — so we can (B)participate with one another in our world.
 It was thirteen years ago that I actually told someone a story — quite by accident, on a chilly April afternoon in New York’s Central Park. I was directing a young people’s theater and poetry group in front of the Hans Christian Andersen statue before a crowd of adults and children. During the intermission my students begged me to do something so that (C)they wouldn’t lose the audience. I got up and told a story I had heard from a white-haired librarian in Toronto ( D ) name I have forgotten.
 I began the story nervously; I wasn’t quite sure I could recall it entirely. But suddenly, (E)the story took over. Somehow, by speaking directly to the audience, (F)I brought the story to life — as though I had read it in their eyes. Our mutual attention to the narrative brought the story out of my memory and into vivid detail. Because of the presence of the audience, the space that we were occupying became the invisible stage for the tale. And we were all painting pictures as brilliant as the cool April sunshine. Images and characters emerged, with the powerful flow of the story guiding us to a resolution. When it was over, the audience and I were all stilled, surprised that our hearts and imaginations had been so thoroughly captured. On that day I decided to become a ( G ).
 (注) intermission: 休憩時間




(1) 下線部(A)の意味として最も適当なものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。
ア 逆戻りして
イ 引き続いて
ウ 入れ替わって
エ かわるがわる
(2) 下線部(B)の内容に最も近いものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。
ア 心が通いあって世界中の人びとが平和に暮らす。
イ 世界中の人間は互いに理解しあえるものだと感じる。
ウ お互いが一つの世界を共有する人間同士だと感じる。
エ 各人がその属する社会で互いにその任務を分担する。
(3) 下線部(C)の意味を、the audienceを主語とする能動態の英文で表せ。
(4) 空所(D)を補うのに最も適当なものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。
(5) 下線部(E)の意味として最も適当なものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。
ア 話が前後した。
イ 話の糸が切れた。
ウ 話が一人歩きを始めた。
エ 話が現実に取ってかわった。
(6) 下線部(F)を日本語に訳せ。
(7) 下線部(G)を補うのに最も適当な一語を本文中から選び、その語を記せ。
(8) 本文の内容を合致するものを次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
ア By telling a story you can make a living out of your own language if you have a large number of listeners who understand it.
イ When you speak from the heart, your words can sometimes do more than they are expected to do in themselves.
ウ Thirteen years ago, on a cold spring day, I talked to my first audience about an accident I had had.
エ During my narration the members of the audience were looking at each other with renewed attention as if they had been changed in appearance as well as in spirit.
オ I was so carried away by the power of the word that I felt as if I were painting brilliant pictures all by myself.





  1. the audience wouldn’t go away.
  2. whose
  3. 私は物語に命を吹き込んだのだ
  4. storyteller



  • この単語テストは、上の問題文本文をよく読み、文中での意味を答えるようにすること。
  1. straightforward
  2. inherently
  3. be bound up with~
  4. convey
  5. content
  6. in turn
  7. from the heart
  8. ritual
  9. participate
  10. by accident
  11. chilly
  12. direct
  13. theater and poetry group
  14. crowd
  15. intermission
  16. beg
  17. librarian
  18. recall
  19. entirely
  20. take over
  21. mutual
  22. narrative
  23. vivid detail
  24. occupy
  25. tale
  26. emerge
  27. resolution
  28. thoroughly
  29. capture



  1. straightforward 率直な、かくし立てのない
  2. inherently 本質的に、生まれつき
  3. be bound up with~ 〜と結びつく
  4. convey 伝える
  5. content 内容
  6. in turn 今度は逆に
  7. from the heart 心から
  8. ritual 儀式
  9. participate 参加する
  10. by accident 偶然
  11. chilly 冷え冷えとした、寒い(coolとcoldの間)
  12. direct 指導する、指揮する、管理する
  13. theater and poetry group 演劇・詩歌を行うグループ
  14. crowd 群衆
  15. intermission 幕間(まくあい)
  16. beg 請う、熱心に頼む
  17. librarian 司書、図書館員
  18. recall 思い出す
  19. entirely 完全に
  20. take over 乗っ取る、引き継ぐ→物語がひとりでに進み始める
  21. mutual 相互の
  22. narrative (口頭・文字によって語られる)物語
  23. vivid detail 鮮やかな細部
  24. occupy 占める、いる
  25. tale 物語
  26. emerge (忽然と)現れる
  27. resolution 話の結末、オチ
  28. thoroughly 徹底的に、完全に
  29. capture (心を)捉える、とりこにする


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