東大過去問 1984年 第1問(要約)

/ 2月 20, 2020/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 1 comments



If history is regarded as just the record of the past, it is hard to see any grounds for claiming that it should play any large role in the curriculum of elementary education. The past is the past, and the dead may be safely left to bury their dead. There are too many urgent demands in the present, too many calls over the threshold of the future, to permit the child to become deeply absorbed in what is forever gone by. Not so when history is considered as an account of the forces and forms of social life. Social life we have always with us; the distinction of past and present is indifferent to it. Whether it was lived just here or just there is a matter of slight moment. It is life for all that; it shows the motives which draw men together and push them apart, portrays what is desirable and what is hurtful. Whatever history may be for the scientific historian, for the educator it must be an indirect sociology — a study of society which reveals its process of becoming and its modes of organization. Existing society is both too complex and too close to the child to be studied. He finds no clues into its labyrinth of detail and can mount no heights from which to get a perspective of its arrangement.
(注) labyrinth:迷宮









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  1. 小学校の児童にとって現実の社会は余りに複雑で身近すぎ、そのままでは把握しがたい。そこで、歴史を通じて社会の成り立ちや人の行動の背景を学び、生きる上での教訓を得ることが歴史を学ぶ意義だ。(92字)

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