東大過去問 1983年 第1問(要約)

/ 2月 20, 2020/ 第1問(要約), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 4 comments



It is a matter of argument whether we should wonder at the speed with which human kind has mastered a hostile environment, and so created the industrialized world we now inhabit, or, alternatively, despair at the almost agonizing slowness with which primitive man raised himself from such a low position to one of comparative plenty. The “take-off” to self-sustaining industrial growth was achieved towards the end of the eighteenth century. Yet the initial take-off to settled societies, when man (homo sapiens) first began to exploit his biological resources as a rational creature, took place as long ago as the New Stone Age. It was then that the key discoveries were made, or rather came into widespread use: how to grow crops; how to herd, breed and exploit animals; how to use tools; how to pass from mere defence against nature to attack; and in particular how to organize the collective power of the group. These gigantic intellectual leaps, which involved the concept of planning and the development of a sense of time, were more difficult than anything we have performed since. Hence our wonder. But we are also bound to ask why it was that Stone-Age man, having broken through the prison of his environment at a number of related points, took such a long time to make full use of his victories. Should not the process of the ever-increasing speed of development have begun thousands of years ago, instead of a mere hundred?









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  1. 人類の進歩は速かったと言えるだろうか。新石器時代の文明的な定住生活が確立という最大の革新から18世紀の工業社会の到来まで数千年を要したのは長すぎないだろうか。(79字)

  2. 解答を投稿してから、とんでもないミスに気づきました。制限字数を誤解していました。

  3. それと、「定住生活が確立」は「定住生活の確立」とすべきところでした。

  4. 再度、字数に留意して、作り直してみました。


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