東大過去問 1981年 第5問(総合)

/ 3月 1, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments



At the end of several weeks his uncle, who had watched from afar, repeated (A)his offer. This time Jeffry accepted. He had to accept. (B)He was down to his last ten dollars.
The thing was too bad all around. Jeffry now firmly believed that nobody but a relative would employ him. And Peter Lambert was now convinced that this pet nephew of his would have gone to work for almost anyone rather than for him. So neither was content.
His salary to start was forty dollars a week. At the end of six months it was forty dollars a week. At the end of a year it still was. He was doing well, he (C)deserved more, and his uncle was aware that he did. But Peter Lambert had got everything he had by asking for it, not by keeping quiet and waiting for it. He believed in demand — provided, of course, (D)there was justice to back it up. Jeffry had not approached him on the subject of a raise.
“And,” vowed Jeffry’s uncle to himself, “he won’t get (E)one till he does.”
This was a matter of discipline, a lesson. Lambert did not guess that to Jeffry it was simply another proof of his hopeless inefficiency. A whole year — and he was worth no more than when he started! Not even worth (F)that, probably. Had you encountered him about this time, you would have seen a serious, unsmiling big fellow, young except for the slight, beaten droop of his splendid shoulders. Had you met him, shaken his hand, you would have found him polite, but unresponsive; either preoccupied, or — or what?
Then he fell in love. It happened without preamble, without warning; and that was the ( G ) of it. Afterward Jeffry told himself that if he had only seen it coming, he could have (H)headed it off — and would have. But he didn’t see it.


(a) 下線部(A)his offerのあとを補うとすれば、次の空所にどのような一語を入れるのが最も適当か。その語を記せ。

his offer of a ( )

(b) 下線部(B)と同じ内容の文になるように次の空所に一語を補充せよ。

He had only ten dollars ( ).

(c) 下線部(C)deserved moreの次の補うとすれば、次のどれが最も適当か。その記号を記せ。

(ア) pay  (イ) than doing well  (ウ) than well  (エ) work

(d) 下線部(D)に最も近い意味を表す文は次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。

(ア) one was honest enough to make the demand
(イ) one was well justified in believing in demand
(ウ) there were sound grounds that supported the demand
(エ) there was reason for maintaining his belief in demand

(e) 下線部(E)oneの内容を日本語で簡潔に記せ。

(f) 下線部(F)thatの内容を日本語で簡潔に記せ。

(g) 空所(G)に一語を補うとすれば、次のどれが最も適当か。その記号を記せ。

(ア) case  (イ) good  (ウ) matter  (エ) speed  (オ) worst

(h) 下線部(H)の意味に最も近いものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。

(ア) delayed it   (イ) led it aside  (ウ) picked it off  (エ) postponed it  (オ) prevented it

(i) 実生活において人はどうあるべきだとPeter Lambertは考えているのか。次の中から一つ選んでその記号を記せ。

(ア) You should be severe with your employees.
(イ) You should ask for what you think is due to you.
(ウ) You should not pay your men more than you have to.
(エ) You should take a considerate attitude toward your relatives.

(j) Jeffryに最も大きく欠けているものは次のどれか。その記号を記せ。

(ア) courtesy  (イ) diligence  (ウ) efficiency  (エ) self-confidence  (オ) seriousness









(a) job
(b) left
(c) ア
(d) ウ
(e) 賃上げ
(f) 最初の給料の週40ドル
(g) オ
(h) オ
(i) イ
(j) エ

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