東大過去問 1971年 第5問(総合)

/ 2月 24, 2020/ 第5問(総合), 東大過去問, 過去問/ 0 comments


下の文に描かれている家庭には老夫婦Sir JohnとMary、息子夫婦RobertとHelen、およびLucyをかしらにまだ幼い弟妹たちをふくめ9人の孫が住んでいる。Hattonというのはこの家に長年仕えている乳母である。
Helen went downstairs to the dining-room, where her husband, his parents and his three eldest children were assembled for luncheon.
‘Hatton continues to manage the little ones in her own way. I suppose it would (A)do no good to interfere,’ Helen said.
‘What is wrong with the method?’ said Robert.
‘A good many things that only a mother would see.’
(B)‘Then we cannot expect Hatton to be aware of them.’
‘Nor the rest of us, Mother dear,’ said Lucy. ‘You must not look for sympathy. I am always thankful that I had the same nurse when I was young. It takes any anxiety for the children simply off me.’
‘Hatton will rule the house in the end,’ said Helen.
‘A good many of you seem to be doing that,’ said Sir John. ‘But if (D)too many cooks spoil the broth, the right number make it very good.’
(E)‘It is a real achievement, the way you all work together,’ said Robert. (F)‘I mean to pay you a serious compliment.’
‘You talk as if you were (G)a creature apart,‘ said Helen.
‘Yes, you do, Father,’ said Lucy.
‘Did you change your room, Lucy, my dear?’ said Mary.
‘Yes, I am having Graham’s, Grandma.’
‘What is this about changing rooms?’ said Helen.
(H)‘It is the first I have heard of it.’
‘Lucy wants more light,’ said Daniel. ‘So we are arranging for Graham to do without it.’
(I)‘I was the natural person to consult,’ said Helen.
‘Well, Mother dear, Grandma seemed just as much so,’ said Lucy. ‘ Perhaps more, as the house is hers.’
Helen was silent, submitting to the place she had accepted, and Mary gave her an almost sympathetic glance.

1 下線部(A)をuse を含む3語で書き換えよ。

2 下線部(B)の発言の理由をつけ加えるとすれば、次の文の空所に何をおぎなえばよいか。2語の英語で答えよ。

Because Hatton isn’t ( ) ( ).

3 下線部と同じ意味になるように次の文の空所に入れるのにもっともな適当な1語(英語)は何か。

Because of it I can be completely ( ) from any anxiety for the children.

4 下線部(D)にもっとも近い意味のことわざを次の中から選べ。

イ かわいい子には旅をさせよ
ロ ちりもつもれば山となる
ハ 多々ますます弁ず
二 船頭多くして船山にのぼる

5 下線部(E)のItがさすものを本文中の英語で記せ。

6 下線部(F)の意味を表すには、どれがもっとも適当か。

イ I want to make it up with you in earnest.
ロ I am going to have a serious discussion with you.
ハ I intend to repay you in full.
二 I’m not just flattering you or making fun of you.

7 下線部(G)におきかえるとすれば、どれがもっとも適当か。

イ living in an apartment
ロ not one of us
ハ not a human being
二 brought up in a foreign country

8 下線部(H)の意味を表すように次の文を完成するには、空所にどれをおぎなえばよいか。

I heard of it ( ) now.

イ at first
ロ for the first time
ハ first of all
二 in the first place

9 下線部(I)の意味を表すには、どれがもっとも適当か。

イ I should have consulted her.
ロ You should have consulted me.
ハ Grandma should have consulted me.
二 I could have consulted her more naturally.

10 本文の内容と合致するものを選べ。

イ Helen is respected by everybody as the mistress of the household.
ロ Helen is quite comfortable in the place she has accepted in the house.
ハ Helen is bitterly resentful of the way the house is run by her husband.
二 Helen is not quite satisfied with her position but is unable to do anything about it.









1  be no use
2  a mother
3  free
4  二
5  the way you all work together
6  二
7  ロ
8  ロ
9  ロ
10 二


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