京大過去問 2011年 第2問(英文和訳)

/ 4月 3, 2021/ 英文和訳, 京大過去問, 難易度★★★★, as/ 0 comments

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The life of a physicist can be a lonely one. Imagine this: You sit down in an airplane, and the person next to you asks you what you do for a living. You reply that you’re a physicist. From here, the conversation can go one of two ways. Nine times out of ten, the first thing out of his or her mouth is something along these lines: “Physics? I hated that class!”
(1)You’ll then spend the rest of the trip (or party, or elevator ride, or date) apologizing for the emotional trauma that physics has apparently inflicted on your friend. These random encounters often reveal an almost joyful contempt, reserved specifically for the fields of physical science and mathematics. “Oh, I’m terrible at algebra!” for example, is said in an almost boastful tone, in a way that “I barely even know how to read!” never would. But why?
Physics has a somewhat unfair reputation for being hard, impractical, and boring. Hard? Perhaps. Impractical? Definitely not. Indeed, when people try to “sell” physics to the public, it is almost always in terms of how it can be used to build bridges or launch rockets — that is, how physics is ultimately the foundation for engineering or chemistry.
But boring? That’s where we really take issue. (2)The problem, as we see it, is that the practical side of physics is almost always put forward at the expense of the interesting side. Even folks with technical focuses such as engineering and computer science typically don’t get past mechanics and electromagnetism to the really fun stuff. And that’s a shame, because quite frankly there has been very little cutting-edge research done on pulleys in the past few years.
This hostility to physics seems to be deep-rooted, and makes it difficult to have discussions without discouraging an audience. In starting a scientific conversation with a “civilian,” we promoters of physics often feel like we’re trying to force people to eat their vegetables, and rationalize it in the same way. We never begin physics discussions with “It’s fun!” but almost always with “It’s necessary,” which naturally drains all of the fun out of it.
In an era when new technologies are constantly emerging, scientific literacy should be fundamental. On the other hand, it isn’t necessary that you have four extra years of college sciences to understand them. You don’t need to have a detailed knowledge of exactly how the physics works to appreciate the revolutions in quantum computing or cosmology. It is important, rather, to understand why these developments are significant, and how they will change technology and our lives.
And it’s not simply that people need to understand a particular theory. Physics is the model inductive science, and by understanding how science proceeds, people are better able to make informed decisions about issues such as global warming. The hope is that we are more prepared to refute people who disagree with us by offering facts rather than simply insisting “No.”
(3)The United States, in particular, has an immense problem with science and mathematics education, with high school students performing well below average compared to those in other developed countries. But we cannot limit ourselves to only blaming teenagers, or their teachers. The problem is far-reaching, affecting all walks of life.
From A User’s Guide to the Universe by Dave Goldberg and Jeff Blomquist, Wiley




  • physicist → 物理学者
  • apparently → どうも〜らしい(『明らかに』という意味で用いられることはまれなので注意が必要)
  • inflict → 押し付ける、課す
  • joyful → 喜ばしい、嬉しそうな
  • contempt → 軽蔑
  • terrible at A → Aがひどく苦手である
  • in a way that~ → 〜のような方法で
  • barely → かろうじて〜(hardlyやscarcelyよりも否定の意味が弱い)
  • impractical → 非実用的な
  • reputation → 評判(良いものも悪いものも含む)
  • launch → 発射する
  • take issue → 異議を唱える、(意見が)対立する
  • at the expense of A → Aを犠牲にして
  • put forward → 示す、提案する、推薦する
  • folk → 人びと
  • focus → (興味・活動などの)中心、力点、関心
  • mechanics → 力学、機械工学
  • electromagnetism → 電磁気学
  • get past A to B →Aを通ってBに至る
  • pulley → 滑車
  • hostility → 敵意
  • civilian → 一般市民
  • emerge → 現れる
  • literacy → 読み書きの能力、理解できること
  • quantum → 量子
  • cosmology → 宇宙論、宇宙学
  • it’s not simply that~ → 〜というわけではない
  • inductive → 帰納的な
  • informed → 情報に基づく、内容を理解した上での
  • refute → 反論する、誤りを指摘する
  • in particular →特に
  • immense → 巨大な、計り知れない
  • far-reaching → 広範囲にわたる、大きな影響がある
  • all walks of life → あらゆる職業や地位の人々


難易度★★★★You’ll then spend the rest of the trip (or party, or elevator ride, or date) apologizing for the emotional trauma that physics has apparently inflicted on your friend. These random encounters often reveal an almost joyful contempt, reserved specifically for the fields of physical science and mathematics. “Oh, I’m terrible at algebra!” for example, is said in an almost boastful tone, in a way that “I barely even know how to read!” never would.


難易度★★★★The problem, as we see it, is that the practical side of physics is almost always put forward at the expense of the interesting side. Even folks with technical focuses such as engineering and computer science typically don’t get past mechanics and electromagnetism to the really fun stuff.


難易度★The United States, in particular, has an immense problem with science and mathematics education, with high school students performing well below average compared to those in other developed countries.


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